


Mr. Browning at his desk


Mr. Paul Browning, Principal
Welcome To Corner Lake Middle School!

Dear Corner Lake Parents, Students and Community:

Thank you for visiting the Corner Lake Middle School website, home of the Eagles!  We are very proud of our students and take the business of helping them succeed very seriously.  I feel extremely fortunate to serve as the principal of Corner Lake where I have the opportunity to work closely with such a special group of young people.  CLMS also boasts a faculty of teachers who are fully committed to helping their students achieve.  Around the Lake we often tell our students that as eagles they should soar to success, but we do much more than simply tell them.  We show them and we equip them to soar to success by providing our students with a first-rate education through proven methods of teaching and learning.  Our core belief at Corner Lake Middle School is that every student matters and every student learns.

I am so happy that you are visiting our school website!  Please come back often and check the site for important information and updates.  We believe firmly that in order to achieve success for every student that it takes participation and involvement from every stakeholder which includes are wonderful Corner Lake parents and community.  The 2020-2021 school year is going to be quite literally an unprecedented year in many respects as we adjust to unprecedented circumstances but we are resolute in our commitment to student safety and success.  With the support of families and community our Eagles are going to soar to unprecedented heights of success in the coming year!

Thank you for visiting our school’s website.  Please come back often!


Paul E. Browning


Corner Lake Middle School
