The agenda for this year includes over 440 synchronous (live) sessions and over 1,100 asynchronous (pre-recorded) sessions. Discover new research findings and learn from colleagues across a myriad of research topics.
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The Academy is an important organization in management and, of course, in my field: Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. This is really the most central organization to be in and meet colleagues to discuss research, collaborate, and advance the fields all together as a collective.”

James Calvin, Member since 1998
佛跳墙_360百科:2021-6-18 · 佛跳墙,梁实秋所著散文作品。佛跳墙是闽菜系中的一种,比较有代表性。 义项指多义词的不同概念,如李娜的义项:网球运动员、歌手等;非诚勿扰的义项:冯小刚执导电影、江苏卫视交友节目等。 查看详细规范>>