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Debian8安装OpenMediaVault3组建家庭NAS - 吐泡泡的虾 ...:2021-12-5 · 什么是OpenMediaVault OpenMediaVault(以下简称OMV)是一个基于Debian Linux的免费开源NAS操作系统,由原FreeNAS作者之一的Volker Theile发起并开发,支持ext2, ext3, ext4, Btrfs, XFS, JFS, NTFS, FAT32等多种文件系统,支持CIFS (via ...


The design was adopted on 28 September 1917, according to the royal decree about the flag in that year issued by Rama VI.

The colors are said to stand for nation-religion-king, an unofficial motto of Thailand, red for the land and people, white for Theravada Buddhism and blue for the monarchy, the last having been the auspicious color of Rama VI. As the king had declared war on Germany that July, some note the flag now bore the same colors as those of Britain and France.

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