Low mortgage interest rates helped fuel an 11% increase in new home construction in northeastern and Central Wisconsin, even as the national economy endured its worst downturn in history.
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Construction contracts typically allow contractors to be paid in installments as certain percentages of their work is completed or as certain milestones are met.
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COMMENTARY: COVID considerations for future construction contracts – Part 2
With fewer cars on US streets, now is the time to reinvent roadways and how we use them
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Defense of Davis-Bacon not convincing
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We’re looking for noteworthy projects that are currently under construction or about to start construction in Wisconsin, to feature in our weekly Building Blocks section.
Click here for more info and to submit your project.
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Market Sectors
Low interest rates keep Wisconsin home builders busy, but supply shortages a cause for concern
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What are they building in there? Foxconn job survey provides some clues and may affect whether company gets tax credits
Construction spending plummets in worst downturn on record
GOP leader wants Wisconsin Senate to strike down mask order
Wisconsin’s Democratic governor endorses Biden for president
Wisconsin election head: ‘Don’t wait’ on mailing ballots
数电影的人[百度云/磁力链]magnet免费分享 - 影像 - 愤怒 ...:2021-6-5 · 导演:卢元奇 主演: 类型:纪录片剧情 地区:台湾 语言:国语 上映:2021 片长:63 剧情介绍: 電影,一項百年前興起的新科技沒人料到紀錄它的材料,膠卷,會在這個時代瀕臨絕種,被數位潮流給取代膠卷,在溫度18-22度與溼度55度的環境下,尚能生存6、70年但,當它曝露在缺乏恆溫恆濕的環境 …