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                                  ios green加速器安装

                                  ios green加速器安装

                                  ios green加速器安装

                                  The literary magazines/journals and contests listed below all offer some form of payment, do not charge submission/reading fees, take online submissions, and have submission deadlines in August 2020. This list focuses on poetry submissions, but most lit mags accept prose and art as well. The listings are in […]


                                  NO FEE submission call + editor interview – The Revolution (Relaunch), DEADLINE: Always Open

                                  The Revolution (Relaunch) is a monthly online and print literary publication and a revisionary, radical, and creative resurgence of the weekly women’s rights newspaper founded by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (1868-1872), which was the official publication of the National Woman Suffrage Association. Per their About […]


                                  ios green加速器安装

                                  I don’t know what it was about The Bell Jar that made me want to write about it but from the second I put the book down I knew there had to be more to Sylvia Plath and her character, Esther Greenwood’s, story. When I learned that Plath […]

                                  NO FEE submission call + editor interview – Journal of Expressive Writing, DEADLINE: Rolling/year-round

                                  The Journal of Expressive Writing is a new online literary journal focused on expressive writing in any form originated from a writing prompt. “Expressive writing—also called emotional writing—is the process of writing about personal and emotional events without regard to form, structure, spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Essentially, it […]