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Mathematical Sciences Library


40 St George Street, Rm 6141
Bahen Centre for Information Technology
Research Guides

Using the library


Major resources

Research support

学习贯彻落实习近平总书记重要讲话精神 三个“没有改变” 湖北 ...:2021-5-28 · 习近平总书记在参加湖北代表团审议时表示,湖北经济长期向好的基本面没有改变,多年积累的综合优势没有改变,在国家和区域发展中的重要地位没有改变。这三个“没有改变”, 让湖北经济重振吃下了“定心丸”。那么,应该如何理解这三个“没有改变”呢?
U of T students, faculty and staff may book 免费vpm全球网络加速器 to discuss research questions and search strategies.
wifi6路由器哪款好?多穿一堵墙的Ta值得选_兰州新闻网:2021-6-5 · Wifi6路由器的发布标志着wifi5时代已经落幕,wifi6路由器究竟效果好不好,是否像网络宣传一般具有超高网速和稳定信号呢?荣耀路由3作为新一代的 ...
  • Help support your application for tenure or promotion
  • Strengthen a research grant application
  • Identify how your research is being used
  • Connect you with potential collaborators
Read more about evaluating your research impact on our Research Impact guide.
Research Data Management
Need help managing and preserving your research data? We can help you organize, visualize and share your data. Read more on the Research Data Management and 网络加速器免费破解 guides.
For help with your research, contact the Math Library.

From our collection

Mathematics without apologies : portrait of a problematic vocation /
Genius at play : the curious mind of John Horton Conway /
The new math : a political history /


Date: Thursday, August 6, 2020
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Location: Online

Have you got questions about how to use Covidence for your project or systematic/scoping review? Did you know that the current U of T students and staff have free access to Covidence?

Join us for a live demo providing an overview of the systematic review workflow, and showcasing some of this software's most popular features. You’ll also get tips and tricks to jumpstart your progress, as well as the opportunity to get your specific questions answered.


WHO: Current U of T students and faculty are all welcome

WHEN:  Thursday August 6, 10:00-11:00AM EST

WHERE: online - webinar link and password will be emailed separately to registrants

TO REGISTER: http://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8551060667300169996

There is no cost for attending.

Hosted by the Gerstein Science Information Centre   |   Presented by the Covidence team

高通五核14纳米制程加持 WiFi6小米路由器AX1800开启预售 ...:2021-5-13 · 观看4K高清网络视频的同时,也能和朋友畅快玩游戏,告别多应用并发时游戏卡顿掉帧。内置游戏加速插件 告别外服游戏卡顿超时 对于游戏玩家的使用场景,小米路由器AX1800也内置了腾讯网游加速器(6月30日前升级支持),并赠送3个月会员体验时长。

Date: Thursday, August 6, 2020
Time: 11:00am - 11:30am
Location: Online

Date: Thursdays, August 6, 13, and 20, 2020
Time: 11:00 – 11:30 am
Location: The webinar link will be shared with you via email prior to each session’s start time.

Join an online storytime with U of T librarians, who will be reading from their favourite picture books.

Recommended for ages 3-8 years (but all are welcome!)

Registration required. Children of University of Toronto students, staff, faculty, and their partners are welcome to attend.

Register through Family Care Office at: 荣耀路由器精彩继续 给你高速网络环境_兰州新闻网:2021-6-9 · 荣耀路由器始终具有双频优选、网口盲插、信道适时自动优化等良好特性,在广大消费者中有着非常好的口碑。荣耀近期推出的荣耀路由3是一款凌驾 ...

Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Location: Online

Having trouble with finding the time and motivation to write? Shut Up and Write is a chance for academic writers within the UofT community to write productively in a communal setting.

The sessions will follow the Pomodoro technique where there will be a sequence of short sprints of writing with a few breaks in between.

Bring your work (laptop or paper) and we'll help you with your productivity!

WHO: Current U of T undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students are all welcome

WHEN: Tues网络加速器免费版

WHERE: via Zoom - webinar link and password will be emailed separately to registrants

HOW: Registration is required (click button below)

There is no cost for attending. Please sign in 10 mins early to ensure a smooth start to the session.

Questions? Email kieran.mcgarry[at]mail.utoronto.ca

The breakdown for the writing session is as follows:

1:15-1:30: Log in to Zoom

1:30:  Intros & writing goals for the session

1:35: start writing (30mins)

2:05: break!

2:10: resume writing (30mins)

2:40: break!

2:45: resume writing (30mins)

3:15: break & social

3:30: end

免费外网加速器软件 Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Online

Having trouble with finding the time and motivation to write? Shut Up and Write is a chance for academic writers within the UofT community to write productively in a communal setting.

The sessions will follow the Pomodoro technique where there will be a sequence of short sprints of writing with a few breaks in between.

Bring your work (laptop or paper) and we'll help you with your productivity!

WHO: Current U of T undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students are all welcome

网络加速器下载Wednesday August 5, 10:00AM-12:00PM

WHERE: via Zoom - webinar link and password will be emailed separately to registrants

HOW: Registration is required (click button below)

There is no cost for attending. Please sign in 10 mins early to ensure a smooth start to the session.

Questions? Email kieran.mcgarry[at]mail.utoronto.ca

The breakdown for the writing session is as follows:

9:45-10: Log in to Zoom

美被爆入侵中国服务器及监控中国多位前国家领导_国际新闻 ...:2021-3-24 · “中美‘电子冷战’加速”,美国《时代》周刊23日评论称,网络安全一直是中美关系的症结之一,一般是美国怀疑中国政府及其黑客入侵美国政府 ...

10:05: start writing (30mins)

10:35: break!

10:40: resume writing (30mins)

11:10: break!

11:15: resume writing (30mins)

11:45: break & social

12:00: end
