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Abstractions of Reality Past and Incredible Feathers

by Binker Golding

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"Is Binker Golding the new Sonny Rollins? The new Coltrane? Or both?” - MOJO

"Like those saxophone colossi whose respective roots lay in calypso and roadhouse R&B, Binker opts to shake hips first, stroke beards second." - Q

"Somewhere between George Coleman and Sam Rivers" - Richard Williams, The Blue Moment

On Abstractions:

"Exceptional" - Gilles Peterson

"... A furiously inventive conversation between Sonny Rollins and broken beat." - Clash Magazine

"Binker's keening melodic lines are as intricate and impressionistic as the title." - The Guardian

Voted #2 Best Jazz Album of 2019 by MOJO Magazine

Binker Golding truly is the saxophonist of the moment. A highly skilled musician, accomplished composer, and occasional conductor, Golding has performed with everyone from Moses Boyd and Yussef Dayes to Evan Parker and Denys Baptise. 'Abstractions of Reality Past and Incredible Feathers' is his first quartet album, and typically, it goes against the grain.

The album constitutes a departure from Binker's more rhythm and riff-heavy collaboration with Moses Boyd as well as his avant-garde project with Elliott Galvin. With all compositions and arrangements by the band leader, there is a greater emphasis on harmonic and melodic development, harking back to the more through-composed jazz fusion of the 80s and 90s. All tracks were recorded at the legendary Abbey Road Studios and mixed by James Farber, whose prolific discography includes albums by Brad Meldhau, Michael Brecker, and Joe Lovano. Expect a contemporary twist in the form of London jazz scene heavyweights; Joe Armon-Jones on piano, Daniel Casimir on double bass, and Sam Jones on drums.

Binker explains the inspiration behind the material:

"The album is about experiences I had throughout my teenage years & twenties. Its about remembering, forgetting, thinking you've forgotten & remembering again. It's about people & friends that you'll never see again & times that you can't go back to, so you have to settle for the memory of them instead, whilst holding on to some hope for the future".

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released September 27, 2019

Binker Golding - tenor saxophone
Joe Armon-Jones - piano
Daniel Casimir - double bass
Sam Jones - drums

Mixed by James Farber
Mastered by Caspar Sutton-Jones

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Binker Golding London, UK

Multi-award winning saxophonist Binker Golding is a leading musician within UK jazz, and has collaborated with Zara McFarlane, Moses Boyd in Binker & Moses, and Elliot Galvin amongst others. He is also an accomplished educator, composer, and arranger.

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