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Online marketing is like speed-dating—you’ve got just seconds to persuade someone that you’re worth a longer look. Maximize these moments with a better business profile, an SEO- and mobile-friendly website, complete and accurate online listings, and professionally produced video.
91% of YP users contacted a business, most within 24 hours.1
Nearly 60 million consumers visit each month.2 That’s nearly 60 million reasons you need a ypProfile.
Claim your ypProfile today and get listed for free on YP. Build profile strength, respond to reviews and engage an audience like no other.
93% of consumers who search on mobile will make a purchase — half of them within the hour.3
If your website isn’t SEO and mobile-friendly, let's raise your game.
Mobile consumers expect mobile-friendly websites, and so does Google’s search ranking formula. Make sure buyers can find and use your site easily on all devices.
73% of consumers lose trust when a business’s online listing is inaccurate.4
Don’t let listing errors or reputation issues bite you right in the revenue.
Get listed accurately on 60+ search destinations, publish engaging content to all your listings at once, and monitor social conversations all from one easy dashboard. ypPresence is the easy and affordable way to promote your business across the internet.
53% of consumers that saw a business video contacted that store within a month; 71% of those consumers made a purchase.5
Don't tell customers about your business. Show them what makes it great.
When it comes to building trust, showcasing your local brand, and driving more conversion with consumers, nothing compares with professionally-produced video.


Every local brand with a great story to tell deserves an attentive audience to tell it to. Reach your motivated buyers today through powerful local search advertising, a greater online presence, and placement in America’s most trusted print directory.
4,000 people consult print Yellow Pages directories every minute within the delivery footprint for The Real Yellow Pages.6
When it comes to print advertising, accept no substitutes.
Only The Real Yellow Pages has been helping businesses grow for 130 years. Find out why we're still the local standby. Come home to Real.
2.3 billion searches were made on and the YP Local Ad Network in 2015.7
Meet the YP local search audience. We think they're pretty special.
To find out how many motivated consumers are searching YP for businesses like yours in your local market, just ask us. We can help you turn them into customers.
YP launched over half a million successful search campaigns last year alone.8
Don’t waste time and money while an SEM “expert” learns on your dime.
Get leads and calls faster with ypSearch. Let the real experts at YP promote your business on Google, Yahoo, Bing and YP, and bypass the learning curve.
73% of consumers lose trust when a business’s online listing is inaccurate..9
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With ypPresence, you can easily distribute one content-rich profile to 60+ top search destinations and feel confident your listings sparkle. You can even monitor reviews, reputation, and social conversations from one sleek dashboard. Save time today and rest easy tonight with ypPresence.


Opening a new location? Teeing up a promotional blitz for the holidays? When the time comes to amplify your brand to ready buyers at home and on-the-go, consider the unrivaled staying power of direct mail, and highly relevant mobile or desktop ads.
40% of consumers try new businesses after receiving direct mail.10
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Ask a marketing pro. When it comes to delivering a targeted message with lasting resonance direct mail is unbeatable. Integrate your mail drop with email for unrivaled reach and power.
33% of people are influenced by display advertising regardless of where they are in the purchase cycle.11
Right audience, right message, right time. Right on.
Target your message to get it in front of your best local prospects on all devices with relevant and custom-branded campaigns. YP's technology and expertise makes the difference, and puts your business top-of-mind when it matters.
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At YP, we're committed to presenting educational content that can help small business owners
get ahead of the curve and stay there.
Get noticed.
Don’t let your online presence cost you business. Consumers want convenience. If they can’t find you, they can’t choose you.
Get customers.
Need to raise your digital marketing game? You’d better have a good playbook. And this one rocks.
Get results.
Watch this live conversation, featuring a panel of guest experts who will teach you how to get real results and build your brand using mobile ads.
See how our valued clients are succeeding.
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Want to know more about advertising your business with YP? Give us a call at 1-800-806-3904.


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