




Statistics for your area
To view statistics for your local area please enter your full postcode e.g. BT9 5RR.

Welcome to the NISRA Geography web pages where you can access and download a range of maps and digital products that support the use of geography in developing statistics.
Official Statistics

Official statistics are fundamental to good government, to the delivery of public services and to decision-making in all sectors of society. In this section you can learn more about the Code of Practice for Official Statistics, Pre-Release Access and find out who produces Official Statistics in Northern Ireland. You are also invited to take part in a short NISRA user survey.
Research Support

The role of the NISRA Research Support Unit (RSU) is to allow researchers safe access to project specific de-identified data in a secure environment in order to carry out secondary data analysis.
UK/Ireland Official Statistics

Other sources for Official Statistics
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Contact us
If you have a general enquiry for the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA), you can contact:
NISRAColby House
Stranmillis Court
Telephone: 加速器在哪买
Email: info@nisra.gov.uk
Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19 the General Register Office public search room, the General Register Office public counter and the secure research room in Colby House are closed to the public until further notice. You can apply for life event certificates on 0300 200 7890 or 买switch需要注意哪些细节才不会被坑? - 知乎:1 天前 · 6、 外版机联网时要经常用到加速器和vpn,切记不要使用不安全的vpn啊,这个切记!我在网上做功课(是我,我就是补考型选手)的时候,发现有人使用不安全的vpn,然后使用信用卡的时候数据被记录下来了,被盗刷了。.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm (excluding public, bank and all Northern Ireland government holidays).
Media Queries
Members of the media with queries relating to NISRA Statistics can contact the Department of Finance Press Office.
General Register Office for Northern Ireland
Queries relating to the registration of births, deaths, marriages, civil partnerships and adoptions or the production of birth, deaths, marriage, civil partnership and adoption certificates should be directed to the General Register Office for Northern Ireland.
How was your experience of our website today? Did you find what you were looking for? We are always looking for ways to improve our site so please drop us an email at 现在什么加速器可以按小时买.