ASEEES sent a time-sensitive invitation to Convention participants asking them to confirm or decline their upcoming participation at the Virtual Convention.
Slavic Review announces switch to ScholarOne for submissions, review requests, and review reports due to pandemic.

This article was originally published in the June 2020 issue of NewsNet.
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ASEEES issues a statement concerning US government's use of force against peaceful protest, hearkening to frightening precedents in the part of the world we study.
ASEEES signed an AHA statement urging universities to make a series of specific accommodations for faculty and students whose research has been interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Member Spotlight
Angelo de Oliveira Segrillo is a free professor of contemporary history in the Department of History at the University of São Paulo.
Angelina Lucento is an Assistant Professor of History and Art History at National Research University-Higher School of Economics