
This website is designed in three parts to inform Canadian farmers about the benefits of Canadian Certified seed; assist seed growers with the production of pedigreed seed crops; and help food processors and end-users understand the benefits and advantages of using ingredients that are grown from Certified seed.

If you are a farmer and wish to know more about how Certified seed can be a risk management tool for your farm, go to the I’m a farmer section. You can access our online Pedigreed Seed Locator database to search for Certified seed suppliers across Canada.

If you are a seed grower member of the CSGA, go to the I’m a Seed Grower section to log in your personal account, access production regulations, forms, and other seed grower resources.

If you are a food processor/manufacturer looking for information on how Certified seed can give you quality ingredients with specific characteristics to improve your food products, visit the I’m a Food Processor section.