How many times have you been told to smile? If you’re a woman, chances are you’ve been told to smile — not for a picture, but just because you should be smiling — far more than you’re comfortable with. And you’ve probably heard all these cringeworthy phrases before:

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“Nobody likes a grumpy girl.”

“You look ...


A new report from XpertHR explains the differences in managing generations with typically widely divergent views on employee-employer dynamics. 
Improvements in the gender wage gap have been made in the last 35 years, though very gradually. The gap is shrinking for a younger generation, however. 

打造免费代理IP池 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-6-30 · 爬虫的过程中,当对方服务器发现你屡次爬取它,可能会遇到被封IP的苦痛,这时IP就应该换啦,打造IP池的意义十分重要,提供免费IP网站有很多,本次用的是西刺代理I...

Data analysis plays an integral role in helping businesses tailor products and marketing to consumers. Python爬虫之ip代理池 - 跑着的小强 - 博客园:2021-9-7 · 对于封IP的网站。需要很多的代理IP,去买代理IP,对于初学者觉得没有必要,每个卖代理IP的网站有的提供了免费IP,可是又很少,写了个IP代理池 。学习应该就够了 ip代理池: 1,在各大网站爬去免费代理ip 2,检查ip可用 可用存入数据库1和2. And, as the U.S. Department of Labor ...

Fortunately, most businesses recognize the value of hiring a diverse workforce, and they make sure interviewers understand and respect that goal. For those companies, equal employment opportunities are the norm. However, discrimination still occurs during job interviews every day, which can prevent qualified candidates from being hired and subvert the benefits that a diverse workforce creates.

To be sure, one ...

Finding a job depends on a successful interview.  You may arrive to the interview early with a polished resume in hand and a bright smile, however, pre-employment interviews are used to filter out applicants from being considered for employment. Interviewers are looking for any reason to reduce their candidate pool to just a few.  Therefore, as a diversity candidate, making ...

No doubt you’ve written plenty of cover letters. But the way we get jobs is changing fast. These days, more often than not, your word choice will affect not only how it’s received by the person who’s hiring, but also by the software (applicant tracking system, or ATS) that does the initial screening. Here’s how to get noticed by both ...



A college education is beneficial in the job landscape, but not all degrees are created alike.


The annual Jobs Rated report applies a set of objective core criteria to rank professions across a variety of industries, to provide a snapshot of the job marketplace.


Looking for a recurring theme in the Jobs Rated report’s best jobs of 2019? One word: data.



Unemployment tied to COVID-19 has impacted minority groups at a higher rate, underscoring the importance of diversity hiring practices.


For job seekers looking to get into tech, traditional university training might not be the best bet. The future of tech is evolving, and tech-interested individuals should look for programs offering more creative solutions.


Everyone has been on a bad job interview in his or her life, but bad interviews can be avoided. They be blessings in disguise. They can even be opportunities to grow and learn.