The SLU Libraries are open with limited hours to only members of the SLU community. Library faculty and staff are also here to help YOU virtually!
Book drops at the Lindell entrance are now open for book returns. Please do not return any equipment such as laptops, calculators, or video cameras in the book drops. All items will be quarantined for at least 72 hours before they are removed from accounts. Email with any questions or issues
We are now offering Pius Library Contact-Free Pickup Service! Up to 10 holds may be placed on SLU Pius items only in the SLU library catalog. Requests will be filled and ready for pick up on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Instructions for a Contact-Free Pickup will be emailed to you once your items are ready.
SLUth searches for print books, ebooks, journals, journal articles, audio and video media, microfilm, and more including the full text for many ebooks and journal articles.
Searching the library catalog helps you find books, government documents, DVDs, CDs, and ebooks owned by the three SLU libraries.
fq必下app | MOBIUS | WorldCat | Renew Books
Using the "All Journals" option, you are searching all print and online journal, magazine, and newspaper titles listed in the SLU library catalog. Using the "eJournal" option, you are searching the E-Journal Portal for electronic journal titles.
Research Guides are a great way to discover resources on a particular topic selected by Subject Librarians. To view and select a guide, choose to browse by subject or librarian and select the guide you are interested in. Or, you can search our list of guides using the search box above.
Library Services/Operations for Remote Access COVID-19 resources
Academic Tech Commons (ATC) Contact / Directory Course Reserves Digital Collections fq必下app Hours Interlibrary Loan Library Associates Literary Award Renew Books Reserve Study Room / Lockers Subject Librarians Questions? Ask Us!