
From UBC Wiki


a shared space for UBC students, staff, and faculty created by UBC students, staff and faculty.


Pages on the UBC wiki are grouped into different collections to accommodate different needs:


The root of the wiki is open space reserved for articles relating to UBC. It is primarily a community area for knowledge sharing about all aspects of the University.

See main space or create below:

Create a New Main Space Page


Course-based content or activities should go into the Course space. See Using the UBC Wiki for Course Work for more information on how to add pages to this space.

Create a New Course Page


The Documentation space is provided for documentation, support guides, technical manuals, and other similar content. Here is an example of how it can be used.

Create a New Documentation Page


The 手机怎样翻墙看youtube视频 is your notebook; it's a place to work, do projects, collaborate, experiment, or just play with the Wiki.

Create a New Sandbox Page