Did you know that there are many ways to support Indiana University besides writing a check? With a little planning, you can include a gift to the IU Foundation within your overall estate or financial plans that preserves the university's mission and provides you with tax benefits in return.
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- Assembling Your Estate Planning Team
I want to plan a gift based on my…
The most popular options for a gift in this range:
The most popular options for a gift in this range:
The most popular options for a gift in this range:
The most popular options for a gift in this range:
The best gift options for you:
The best gift options for you:
The best gift options for you:
- Outright gift of appreciated securities
- Gift in will or living trust
- Charitable gift annuity
- Beneficiary designations
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- Make a Tax-Free Gift With An IRA
- Outright gift of real estate
- Charitable remainder trust
- Charitable lead trust
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Most popular ways to give this asset:
Retirement Plan Assets
Most popular ways to give this asset:
Real Estate
Most popular ways to give this asset:
Tangible Personal Property
Most popular ways to give this asset:
Answer a few simple questions and we'll point you down the right path.
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Information contained herein was accurate at the time of posting. The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. Figures cited in any examples are for illustrative purposes only. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results. Annuities are subject to regulation by the State of California. Payments under such agreements, however, are not protected or otherwise guaranteed by any government agency or the California Life and Health Insurance Guarantee Association. A charitable gift annuity is not regulated by the Oklahoma Insurance Department and is not protected by a guaranty association affiliated with the Oklahoma Insurance Department. Charitable gift annuities are not regulated by and are not under the jurisdiction of the South Dakota Division of Insurance.Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy