Effective 3/13/2020, the DLC is temporarily closed to visitors due to ongoing concerns about COVID-19. Visit our coronavirus response FAQ to learn more.
Founded in 1966 on the campus of Duke University in Durham, NC, the Duke Lemur Center is a world leader in the study, care, and protection of lemurs – Earth’s most threatened group of mammals.
With more than 200 animals across 14 species, the DLC houses the world’s largest and most diverse population of lemurs outside their native Madagascar.
To advance science, scholarship, and biological conservation through non-invasive research, community-based conservation, and public outreach and education.
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Duke Lemur Center
8 hours ago
Great news, everyone! Our (free!) weekly virtual lemur lessons will now be streamed on Facebook and YouTube live! 😊 Be sure to tune in this Thursday morning at 10:00 AM EST, when we'll be learning from Dr. Matt Borths about why some places seem chock-full of fossils, but others seem to have there fossil records wiped clean.
You can also tune in via YouTube live - just find the "livestream" button on this page on Thursday morning: www.exploringbytheseat.com/lesson/finding-not-finding-fossils-madagascar/ ... See MoreSee Less
Exploring By The Seat Of Your Pants plans to go live.
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Duke Lemur Center
Hibernation is used by many mammals to save energy, but the dwarf lemurs of Madagascar are the only known primates to use hibernation with no exceptions! For the last presentation of the 4-part research series, join DLC research scientist Marina Blanco to learn why and how dwarf lemurs hibernate, while taking a look at these elusive lemurs in the forests of Madagascar as well as at the DLC.
If you'd like to test your knowledge after this lemur science video, take our trivia challenge here: 菜鸟加速器 ... See MoreSee Less
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Wow!! Great. I love it
Duke Lemur Center
5 days ago
⏰ Wake up, sleepyhead! This is your 45-minute countdown to DLC research scientist Marina Blanco's (free!) talk on dwarf lemur hibernation this morning at 10:00 AM EST. You can jump in the live chat to ask any questions you have about these incredible primates, or Marina's time studying them in at the DLC and in Madagascar!
The talk is live, so the link will only work from about 10-10:45 AM EST this morning. If you miss it, don't worry! 🙂 We'll post the full recording on our page with captions and a trivia link on Monday morning.
www.youtube.com/c/Exploringbytheseatofyourpants/live ... See MoreSee Less
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Lemur Science! And Trivia? 【菜鸟工具一键重装系统】菜鸟工具一键重装系统 V3.9.0免费 ...:2021-10-28 · 【基本介绍】 菜鸟工具一键重装系统是一款操作简单的系统重装软件,无需安装,无需U盘,更不需光盘,只需要点几下鼠标, 菜鸟工具一键重装系统将会为您全部完成 1.菜鸟小白必备,告别繁琐,简单易用 不需要任何技术基础,傻瓜式一键重装,全自动完成,不用明白装机流程,只需点击确定 ...
Duke Lemur Center
5 days ago
Don't forget to join us tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM EST for another (free!) virtual lemur talk. Tomorrow's lesson is the final one in our lemur science series, and features an in-depth discussion of dwarf lemur hibernation with DLC research scientist (and resident dwarf lemur expert and enthusiast) Dr. Marina Blanco!
We'll post the link to the live stream tomorrow morning, but if you can't make it, we'll also post the recording on Monday morning for all to enjoy.
www.exploringbytheseat.com/lesson/lemur-science-201-hibernation-dwarf-lemurs/ ... See MoreSee Less
Lemur Science 201: Hibernation in Dwarf Lemurs - Seat of your pants
Hibernation is used by many mammals to save energy, but the dwarf lemurs of Madagascar are the only known primates to use hibernation with no exceptions! For the last presentation of the 4-part resear...雷霆加速器ios永久免费Share on TwitterShare on Linked InShare by Email
Comment on Facebook Hibernation is used ...
They are adorable!
Those fuchsias look enormous by comparison- cute
ARM处理器、X86处理器和AI处理器的区别 - 菜鸟-传奇 - 博客园:2021-11-2 · ARM处理器、X86处理器和AI处理器的区别 目前主要的处理器架构有: X86: Intel, AMD, 海光, 兆芯 ARM: 华为,飞腾,华芯通,Cavium,Ampere,富士通,亚马逊 POW
Duke Lemur Center
7 days ago
As a group, lemurs are the most endangered mammals on Earth; and in our infant announcements last week, we referred to Ripley, Sunshine, Sputnik, and Orbit as Critically Endangered and to Siwa as Endangered. But have you ever wondered HOW each species’ level of endangerment is assessed, or WHY some species were uplisted (now considered more endangered than they previously were) in the IUCN's most recent assessments, released this month?
If so, wonder no more! Hop over to the DLC blog, where research scientists Drs. Marina Blanco and Lydia Greene discuss the whys and hows of assessing a species' endangerment status, including what it was like to participate in the IUCN redlisting meetings in Antananarivo, Madagascar: www.ywtxysg.com/new-iucn-assessments. ... 菜鸟加速器官方See Less
New IUCN Conservation Assessments: Coquerel's sifakas now Critically Endangered - Duke Lemur Center
By DLC research scientists Marina Blanco, Ph.D. and Lydia Greene, Ph.D. The new conservation assessments for Madagascar’s 107 lemur species have been released by International Union for Conservation...Share on Facebook菜鸟加速器Share on Linked InShare by Email
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See more: www.ywtxysg.com/notes-from-the-field-iucn-red-list-meeting-in-madagascar.
So sad, seem healthy in Anjajavy 🙏
I shall read this.
1 week ago
Nearly half of all living lemurs eat leaf-based diets. Though ubiquitous in the forest, leaves can actually be a real challenge to digest. If you ever wondered how sifakas, indri, and bamboo lemurs manage to make a living on leafy diets, join us for the 3rd talk in our Lemur Science series, as DLC research scientist Lydia Greene explores the myriad adaptations that support this dietary strategy.
If you'd like to test yourself after this lesson, try out this video's trivia challenge here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/2J8PGR8 ... 菜鸟加速器官方See Less
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Fascinating session. Thank you very much.
Duke Lemur Center
1 week ago
Behind every cute video,
every baby lemur announcement,
and every adorable photo featured on #BabyWeek2020,
is the DLC’s incredible animal care team.
No matter the challenges, the weather, the holiday -- and, yes, even the pandemic! -- they’re here, working hard EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. to care for the irreplaceable, endangered primates who call the DLC home.
We hope you’ll join us in saying a huge THANK YOU to our AMAZING animal care team for making all of our favorite moments possible! <3
Happy #NationalZooKeeperWeek! ... See MoreSee Less
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Thank you for all that you do to take care of these wonderful animals. You are appreciated by us and by all the lemurs who are so lucky to have you!!! ♥️
菜鸟国内国际物流网再加速 加快实现“全国24小时,全球72 ...:2021-6-10 · 天猫618热卖之际,菜鸟总裁助理熊伟昨天在全球速卖通商家大会上透露,菜鸟正在启动旗下国内和国际物流网的再加速,同时 ...
We enjoy all the pictures. Thanks for caring for these precious animals.
Thank you for everything you do for these amazing creatures ❤️
Thanks to all at DLC for all you do & the love you show to all the lemurs! Love the babies! They are all so cute❤️
Thank you for caring for these precious and beautiful animals ❤
Thank you one and all for the work you do. You are the best.
Thank you for taking care of the precious lemurs. 🥰
Go Animal Care team!!!
Love 💕
You guys ROCK !! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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Duke Lemur Center
2 weeks ago
Day 5 of #BabyWeek2020, and we’re thrilled to announce the births of TRIPLET ruffed lemurs Sunshine, Orbit, and Sputnik! 😍 “Triplets were a surprise,” says Melanie Curry, one of the infants’ primary caretakers. “Halley has had twins twice before, and her ultrasound had showed ‘at least two’ infants, so we’d assumed there would be two babies as usual. It’s wonderful to have three!”
Head over to the DLC blog for some great behind-the-scenes info from Melanie – and more photos, of course! www.ywtxysg.com/triplet-ruffs
WRAL TV North Carolina Public Radio - WUNC Duke University WNCN 菜鸟加速器 Discover Durham WRAL Go Ask Mom ABC11 WTVD Spectrum News 1 North Carolina 菜鸟加速器官方 The News & Observer 菜鸟加速器 ... See MoreSee Less
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Triplet's !! Beautiful babies !! Thank you for sharing with us. ❤️
What wonderful news! Blessings on Sunshine, Orbit, and Sputnik❤️❤️❤️
A great afternoon surprise for me to see when we begin our weekend. Thanks.
使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺仪,菜鸟也能变枪神_biubiu加速器:使命召唤台服手游怎么开陀螺仪?使命召唤是一款力求达到真实现代战争场面的射击类手游,激烈的战斗和快节奏的操作经常让新手玩家应接不暇,其实大家都忽略了陀螺仪的使用,小编今天就给大家讲讲如何在使命召唤台服手游打开陀螺仪。在游戏主界面上点击设置选项,在其中的基本讯息里就能 ...
Do you guys use ultrasound on the lemurs to check for other things? Or just to check the babies? I'm a sonographer for a living so I was wondering!
Such sweet, adorable little babies!
Just wonderful news!!
Yay! Finally the triplets are announced!!! ❤️
#BabyWeek2020 is best week and I’m sad it’s over 😭
Three times the cuteness!!
Oh cuteness overload ❤️❤️❤️❤️
So adorable!!
Road trip!
Taryn Alessandra
So sweet
They are so cute!
Wonderful news❤️❤️❤️
Omg triplets!!!
Hannah Carbonneau
quelles petites merveilles !!
Amaya Evans
Duke Lemur Center
It’s #BabyWeek2020, and we have THREE new infants still to announce – but first let’s celebrate the three births announced earlier this year! 🎉 Critically endangered Coquerel’s sifakas Terence and Didius and critically endangered blue-eyed black lemur Brady are growing up SO FAST under the great care of their lemur mommas and sisters and the DLC's animal care staff!
Love baby lemurs? Here’s how to make sure you don’t miss ANY #BabyWeek2020 announcements!
✅ Follow our Facebook page: At the top of the DLC's Facebook page, click “Follow,” and select “See First” from the dropdown menu
✅ Like us on Instagram: Search for @dukelemurcenter
✅ Sign up for our email list (we'll post a #BabyWeek2020 recap!): www.ywtxysg.com/newsletter ... See MoreSee Less
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Very adorable ❤️
They’re so cute 🥺❤️
Love them!!!!!
Very cute
Would you look at them? Such fun!
We just had our first child and named her Brady. Can’t wait to come visit her lemur namesake!
Reese Bobo
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Duke Lemur Center
2 weeks ago
Don't forget to tune in this morning at 10:00 AM EST for our weekly live lesson - this week is episode 3 of our 4-part lemur science series with DLC Research Scientists Lydia Greene and Marina Blanco.
If you can, make sure you tune in for this (free!) lesson from a resident expert on the science behind how so many lemur species survive on leaves. If you can't make it, don't worry! We'll post the recording here on our page this Monday morning with full captions and a trivia challenge!
Click this link at 10:00 AM EST today to join - www.youtube.com/c/Exploringbytheseatofyourpants/live
*Please note this virtual presentation is live, so the link will not work after about 10-10:45 AM EST this morning. ... See MoreSee Less
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So stinking cute!
Absolutely, beautiful! <3
Haha! Great shot! 🤣
Amanda H. Fournier
How handsome
Teresa John Brian Corey Brad Bernadette how far is this from camp this year?
My lemur-crazy 10 year old is LOVING these livestreams on Thursdays! He announced at dinner the other night that when he grows up he's moving to Madagascar to study the lemurs. :-)
Thanks...what's in left "hand"? Handsome....
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