July 21, 2020 – Using a sweeping DNA analysis technique, MBARI researchers explored the boundaries between different communities of tiny drifting animals along the California coast.

July 13, 2020 – A new research paper shows that some of the most common and iconic deep-sea corals can create their own light.

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June 16, 2020 – A recent special issue of the journal Deep-Sea Research II features 16 new papers about MBARI's long-term, deep-sea research site Station M.

June 3, 2020 – A new study published in Nature describes a unique laser-based system for constructing 3D models of diaphanous marine animals and their mucous structures in the deep sea.

April 28, 2020 – MBARI's underwater mapping efforts off the Pacific Northwest have revealed almost 600 hydrothermal chimneys rising from the deep seafloor.