As part of our commitment to protecting the safety and well-being of our campus community, West Virginia University has launched a COVID-19 dashboard today (Aug. 3) to track and compile information collected during testing across the WVU System. The dashboard ( will be updated Monday-Friday by 11 a.m. and include information regarding students and employees broken out by campus. Updates will also be provided by the University on WVU Safety social media accounts. Additionally, faculty and staff should watch for information on trends and other COVID-19 related updates every Monday afternoon in WVUWeekly, or as necessary.

As we prepare for students to return to campus, the WVU Parking Management Office is reopening today (Aug. 3). The office will operate on normal hours of operation Monday through Friday, from 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
As the school year approaches, AmeriCorps VISTAs serving all across WVU and the state have been hard at work preparing for students to return, as well as ensuring the sustainability of the programs they are serving.
The Daily Athenaeum, WVU's independent student newspaper, has won 16 editorial and advertising awards from the West Virginia Press Association
Walmart Foundation grant to expand access to healthy foods in West Virginia, give boost to state agriculture industry
A $658,000 Walmart Foundation grant to the WVU Extension Service Family Nutrition Program will help West Virginians improve their health by increasing access to fresh, healthy, locally grown foods and research-based nutrition education.
言小五系列教程之搬瓦工Just My Socks详细购买及使用教程 ...:2021-4-3 · 10.1、关于该节点解释如下:s801采用v2ray tcp传输协议,同s3节点一样;s801节点是专门用于下载的节点,比如5.88月付的方案二,每月流量500G;使用1~5号节点进行下载的时候,流量是直接从500G流量里面按实际流量来扣,使用s801节点,目前就只扣十分
Friday’s (July 31) paycheck will be a third paycheck in the month of July for WVU employees. For a 12-month benefits-eligible employee, this will be considered a “deduction holiday pay.”

Instructors can drop in for a one-on-one consultation during the online sessions that will be offered by the Teaching and Learning Commons. No appointment necessary.
REMINDER: Return to Campus Conversation: Preparing for Fall
Join University leaders for the next Return to Campus Conversations today (July 30) at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. These live sessions will include information on testing, the move-in process, roommates, welcome back kits, Welcome Week, class schedules, behavior expectations, teaching modalities, personal safety, campus safety and new information about the “phased” return planned for the Morgantown campus.
REMINDER: Return to Campus Conversation: Preparing for Fall
Join University leaders for the next Return to Campus Conversations today (July 30) at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. These live sessions will include information on testing, the move-in process, roommates, welcome back kits, Welcome Week, class schedules, behavior expectations, teaching modalities, personal safety, campus safety and new information about the “phased” return planned for the Morgantown campus.
University community invited to Sommers retirement celebration Thursday
John Sommers, a project manager for WVU’s Planning, Design, Construction and Scheduling, will retire at the end of July after 20 years of service to WVU. Auxiliary and Business Services will hold a virtual recognition ceremony tomorrow (July 30) at 1 p.m.
Join virtual celebration honoring Karraker’s 35 years of service
The Office of the Provost and the Office of Graduate Education and Life are celebrating Katherine Karraker’s 35 years of service to WVU and invite all faculty, staff and students to participate.