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Our investigators hope to broaden the understanding of neurological disorders and change them from untreatable to treatable, incurable to curable and inevitable to preventable.

Research Addiction; brain cancer; breathing; psychiatry; aging; neurobehavioral sciences; pain/sensory physiology; TBI, spinal cord injury and stroke

Focus Areas

Faculty More than 200 faculty members across campus work on multidisciplinary teams to better understand how the brain works.


Partners Collaborating with institutes, centers, departments & programs across UF, our mission extends far beyond the MBI’s walls.


MBI News

Doctoral student training program in movement…

The program trains doctoral students to become independent researchers in Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, tremor and ataxia.

2020 trainees

Blood tests for Alzheimer’s explained

In The Conversation, Drs. Golde and DeKosky explain the new test, which shows high accuracy in detecting chemicals specific to Alzheimer’s.

Doctors Golde and DeKosky

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Drs. Michael Jaffee and Glenn Smith are co-PIs on a UF Research Opportunity Seed Fund Award.


Researchers in the Spotlight

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Dr. Steven DeKosky was honored with the Henry Wisniewski Lifetime Achievement Award.


Life after a neural implant trial

In a Nature Medicine news feature, Dr. Michael Okun discusses the challenges that follow some neural implant trials.

neural trials

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New York Times article exploring possible link between some cases of Parkinson’s and exposure to toxic chemicals cites expertise of Dr. Michael…


Events calendar

College Calendar

Upcoming Events

  1. Aug 04

  2. Aug 13

  3. Aug 29

  4. Oct 24

  5. 2021最新快猫破解版ios免费下载_休闲聊天_简易论坛:2021-4-24 · 综合技术交流平台 回复 支持 反对 使用道具 举报 显身卡 l290733269 0 主题 3 帖子 2 积分 幼儿园 UID ... 简易论坛-综合技术免费交流平台发布的2021最新快猫破解版ios 免费下载帖子由网友提供或转载于网络,若发布的2021最新快猫破解版ios ...

  6. Oct 26

  7. Oct 27

  8. Oct 28

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Support the MBI

If you are looking for a way to make a difference, for a way to fight back against addiction; brain cancer; cognitive aging; pain; psychiatric disorders; stroke; traumatic brain and spinal cord injury; and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, dystonia, Parkinson’s and ALS, then please partner with us in our mission.