Summer 2020 Is Moving Online

                                  Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies is actively monitoring the status of the COVID-19 pandemic with the health and well-being of our community firmly in mind. In light of the university's decisions about summer programming generally, we have decided to move some of our summer activity online, including the Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes

                                  We will continue to provide updates about all of our summer programs and more information about Stanford's response to the developing situation here.



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                                  Summer Residential Programs
                                  Academic enrichment residential programs offer the chance to explore the beautiful Stanford campus in the summer, forming a community with brilliant peers and Residential Staff from top universities. (Please note that summer 2020 residential programs have been moved to an online format due to COVID-19.)
                                  After-School Programs
                                  We offer on-campus enrichment circles in math, science, and the humanities for local students. These quarter-long evening sessions allow passionate students to learn through discussions, lectures, and hands-on activities.
                                  High School Diploma and College Credit
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                                  Jobs at Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies
                                  In order to operate our outstanding programs, we are always looking for undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and professionals to serve as Residential Counselors, Instructors, and more!


                                  Four Stanford Medical Youth Science Program participants wear scrubs on the medical school campus.
                                  Our diverse academic programs fit a wide variety of student needs. Summer programs? We host nearly 2,500 students on campus each summer. Commuter options? We run enrichment circles for local students in math, science, and humanities. Whether you're in elementary school or high school, interested in Aristotle or Astrochemistry, we have a program for you.



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