Welcome to Manifold Scholarship.
The intuitive, collaborative, open-source platform for scholarly publishing you’ve been waiting for.
Why Manifold?
Bring Your Own Books
Publishers already work with authors, license copyrights, and create printed books. Let Manifold handle the web-based editions. You can easily convert your existing files into online publications, and Manifold’s open-source platform provides a beautiful, deep reading experience that fosters community and encourages discussion. If you need help getting started, we also offer Publishing Services to guide you every step of the way.
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Manifold is designed with thoughtful features and powerful workflows throughout:
ReadBeautiful fonts, control over type sizing and margins, and a smooth, responsive interface make for a great reading experience.
AnnotateSupport for annotations, highlighting, and bookmarking allow you to make each text your own.
EngageRobust community sharing and discussion threads allow you to interact with other readers and authors to help shape the work.
ExploreSSR客户端最新合集 – 小文's blog:2021-12-26 · 名称 :Shadowrocket 版本号 :版本2.1.0 更新说明: 版本 2.1.0 中的新功能 * fix today widget switch issue * fix scene routing issue * fix today widget profile not delete when close issue * add privacy policy 使用说明: SSR使用教程
IterateSupport for multiple texts within a Manifold project allows you to post early drafts, research documentation, and other supporting texts.
ShareEasily share links to texts, sections, research materials, resources, and archives. Share directly, or through your preferred social media platforms.
ssr软件下载Manifold projects can feature collections of media & resources that help your audience move beyond the limitations of standalone texts.
Analyze水木社区手机版:2021-6-13 · 指定的文章不存在或链接错误
Integrate校园网环境下无法使用VPN如何解决? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-3-24 · 我们学校校园网环境下无法使用VPN 错误619 不知道应该如何解决可以突破这个限制(需要通过路由器)?
AdaptSeamlessly import most major current digital formats, with support for modern publishing and metadata standards like DOIs.
MeasureManifold’s detailed analytics allow you to measure and review reading counts and user engagement for all your projects and texts.
ControlPublishers have nearly unlimited flexibility with Manifold. Customize colors and branding, or make deeper adjustments to the code itself.
Manifold hearts modern devices.
科学上网不求人,购买VPS主机搭建属于自己的 ...:2021-6-30 · 本帖最后由 迷路的叉叉熊 于 2021-6-30 14:52 编辑 楼主购买的是bandwagonhost(搬瓦工)的Micro-64。 属于其最低级的配置(貌似现在已经下架了),作为科学上网使用那是足够的,每月100G的流量,无限速,秒开各种视频。