Tee Times Sent for 2020 Owl Club Golf Tournament
We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday, August 3 at the Ranch Golf Club (65 Sunnyside Road, Southwick, Mass.) for the 14th Annual Owl Club Golf Tournament.
Fall Sport Team Competition Suspended for Fall 2020
Westfield State University athletics announced that the Owls will not have intercollegiate competition for fall sports teams in the Fall 2020 season, in conjunction with the announcement from the league’s Council of Presidents on Thursday, July 16, 2020 that the entire Massachusetts State Collegiate Athletic Conference (MASCAC) will not compete in fall sports programs.
Owls Athletics Mourns Loss of Hall of Famer, HOF Committee Member Bob Farr '55
Westfield State Athletics mourns the passing of alumnus, hall of famer, and hall of fame committee member Bob Farr ‘55. He passed away at age 87 at home on July 6, 2020.
Westfield State University Swimming and Diving Selected as Scholar All-America Team
June 30, 2020 - Colorado Springs, CO - The College Swimming and Diving Coaches Association of America (CSCAA) has selected the Westfield State University women's swimming and diving team for Scholar All-American honors. Westfield State was one of 461 schools to receive the award for the Spring semester. Teams were selected on the basis of their Spring grade point averages and represent 17,982 student-athlete
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解决SSR端口被占用 – Blog-Kairlec:2021-12-14 · 今天使用SSR的时候,打开突然提示我1080端口被占用,启动SSR失败 WTF???? 我原来还用得好好的,今天突然暴毙了 我就想去看看,是哪个程序占用了1080端口,结束掉就行了 于是我打开cmd 输入netstat -ano|findstr 1080 神奇的事情发生了,没有任…
Founded in 1839 by Horace Mann, Westfield State was the first co-educational college in America to offer an education without barrier to race, creed, or economic status. In the wake of the continuing injustices to black and brown persons, the University issued the following statement, embraced and echoed by Westfield State Athletics.
14th Annual Owl Club Golf Tournament Set for August 3, 2020
The tournament proceeds support Westfield State University varsity athletics and is slated for Monday, August 3, 2020, at The Ranch Golf Club in Southwick, Mass.
14 Owl Swimmers Named to NEISDA All-Academic Team
Westfield State University women’s swimming and diving placed 14 student athletes on the New England Intercollegiate Swimming and Diving Association (NEISDA) 2020 Spring All-Academic Team.
Owls Announce 24th Athletic Hall of Fame Class
简评一波新式神就业面以及ssr、优质单卡点评 NGA玩家社区:2021-6-11 · 简评一波新式神就业面以及ssr、优质单卡点评 在玩(云)了小半天的体验后,相信大家都已经对新机制幻境和体验服的新式神有了一定的了解。那么话不多说,今天我为大家带来九个新式神的就业前景分析以及可选单卡点评。