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AAT: Can I enrol on an AAT course?
AAT: What is a CBE?
AAT: What types of questions could I expect to see in my assessment?
AAT: How do I reschedule an exam?
- 亚风软件站:2021-8-16 · 帽子加速器是一款功能强大的网络加速软件,该软件是针对国外的网络连接的,如国外的网站,国外的电子邮件的发送与接受,还有的国外的社交聊天的平台,我们知道,在国内的打开国外的网络,很慢要加在半天,该工具能够提高加速国外网络的访问速度。
See all 22 articles
Funding and course fees
AAT: How can I pay for my course?
电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 在国内正确使用的笔记本电脑拿到国外,如何打开国外的网站.我现在用的是360 ... 先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可以了上.当然免费的也可以 用到手机上 ...
AAT: Does my company get a discount? (and how much is it?)
加速访问国外网站 - zoucaitou - 博客园:2021-12-29 · 类似的,有许多网站用到了google字体库(fonts.googleapis.com)中的字体,同样也会导致网页加载很慢。 我的解决方法简单粗暴,修改hosts文件,把fonts.googleapis.com 指到 127.0. 0.1。直接使字体加载失败,损失一些美观度,节约等待时间。
AAT: Where can I find course prices?
See all 7 articles
Kaplan information
AAT: What is my Kaplan student number/contact ID?
AAT: How do I make a complaint?
AAT: How do I unsubscribe from marketing emails?
AAT: I am having trouble enroling online
Materials and Learning Resources
AAT: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
AAT: I haven't received my materials yet
AAT: Can I pick up my study materials up from a Kaplan centre?
AAT: How do I clear my browser history (cache files)?
AAT: What happens if any items I've ordered are out of stock?
Product and course information
帽子加速器软件官方下载 帽子加速器V1.0.0.4免费下载 安卓 ...:2021-12-12 · 帽子加速器是一款功能强大的网络加速软件,该软件是针对国外的网络连接的,如国外的网站,国外的电子邮件的发送与接受,还有的国外的社交聊天的平台,我们知道,在国内的打开国外的网络,很慢要加在半天,该工具能够提高加速国外网络的访问速度。
AAT: How long will it take to become fully qualified?
腾讯加速器会员版 - 陌路人博客:2021-6-15 · 【软件说明】:腾讯专业免费手游加速器,稳定游戏网络,支持国内外.上千款游戏。下载立领限时免费VIP 免费加速全球海内外游戏 1、支持上千款手游加速,覆盖国内90%已上线手游,、和平精英、QQ飞车等,保障网络稳定不掉线;覆盖国外热门游戏 ...
AAT: Do I need to book time off work for my course?
AAT: What study options are available to me?
See all 12 articles
ACA: How do I book my exam? (incl. computer based)
ACA: Do course fees include the exam fees?
ACA: Can I sit an exam at a Kaplan Centre if I am an external student?
ACA: How many times can I attempt an exam?
ACA: Am I entitled to any exemptions?
See all 7 articles
Funding and course fees
ACA: Am I eligible for funding?
ACA: Are there any discounts available?
ACA: Are the ACA fees included in the course price?
ACA: Does my company get a discount? (and how much is it?)
ACA: When will my card be debited?
See all 8 articles
Kaplan information
ACA: What is my Kaplan student number/contact ID?
ACA: How do I unsubscribe from marketing emails?
Materials and learning resources
ACA: What study materials are included in the price?
ACA: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
ACA: Can I pick up my study materials from a Kaplan centre?
ACA: How do I clear my browser history (cache files) in Internet Explorer?
Product and course information
ACA: How long will it take to become fully qualified?
ACA: How many modules are in the ACA Qualification?
ACA: Is the Pass Guarantee available on ACA?
ACA: What Study Methods are available to me?
ACA: When do I have to register with the ACA governing bodies?
See all 17 articles
ACCA Foundations
ACCA Foundations: What should I do if I have a problem booking my exam?
ACCA Foundations: How do I apply for extra exam support?
腾讯加速器会员版 - 陌路人博客:2021-6-15 · 【软件说明】:腾讯专业免费手游加速器,稳定游戏网络,支持国内外.上千款游戏。下载立领限时免费VIP 免费加速全球海内外游戏 1、支持上千款手游加速,覆盖国内90%已上线手游,、和平精英、QQ飞车等,保障网络稳定不掉线;覆盖国外热门游戏 ...
ACCA Foundations: What happens during a CBE?
10个加速WordPress程序/网站有效方法 | 老左笔记:2021-1-16 · 如今使用CDN加速网站已经变得非常普遍,我们可以看到很多国内、国外网站都有使用,在一定程度上是可以提高网站打开速度的。 如果我们中文网站需要使用,那最好是需要BA的,因为才有国内节点,其他的好像用的较多的是CloudFlare,海外网站用的多一些。
See all 6 articles
腾讯加速器会员版 - 陌路人博客:2021-6-15 · 【软件说明】:腾讯专业免费手游加速器,稳定游戏网络,支持国内外.上千款游戏。下载立领限时免费VIP 免费加速全球海内外游戏 1、支持上千款手游加速,覆盖国内90%已上线手游,、和平精英、QQ飞车等,保障网络稳定不掉线;覆盖国外热门游戏 ...
ACCA: Can I enrol on an ACCA course?
ACCA: What should I do if I have a problem booking my exam?
解决网站打开速度很慢有效方法-云栖社区-阿里云 - aliyun.com:2021-5-13 · 网站打开速度直接影响着网站用户的浏览体验,试想一下,你打开一个网站却一直在转打不开,会是什么样的感受,大多用户会直接关闭网站。所以网站打开速度慢会直接影响网站的跳出率。 网站打开速度很慢 下面是学做网站论坛总结的几个解决网站打开速度很慢有效方法,帮助学习建网站的学员 ...
ACCA: How do I apply for extra exam support?
See all 16 articles
Funding and course fees
ACCA: Are the ACCA Fees included in the course price?
ACCA: How can I pay for my course?
ACCA: Are there any discounts available?
ACCA: Does my company get a discount? (and how much is it?)
ACCA: When will my card be debited?
See all 7 articles
Kaplan Information
ACCA: What is my Kaplan student number/contact ID?
ACCA: How do I make a complaint?
ACCA: I am having trouble enroling online
Materials and learning resources
速游加速器怎么对网站加速|对网站加速的操作方法-系统族下载站:2021-4-17 · 速游加速器是一款有着千万用户使用的游戏加速器,支持2021余款国内游戏加速以及台服、欧服以及美服等网游。当然该软件也可以对网络进行加速,比如网站,但是很多小伙伴不知道怎么操作,接下来就跟着小编一起来学习一下吧。
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
ACCA: Can I pick up my study materials from a Kaplan centre?
ACCA: How do I clear my browser history (cache files)?
ACCA: What happens if any items I've ordered are out of stock?
See all 6 articles
Product and course information
ACCA: What is my ACCA institute Registration Number?
ACCA: When do I have to register with the governing bodies?
ACCA: Is there a time limit on completing the qualification?
ACCA: What is the recommended sitting order?
ACCA: How do I contact my tutor?
See all 11 articles
2019 CIMA syllabus update
【迅游加速器访问国外网站】-迅游加速器访问国外网站专区 ...:佰佰安全网【迅游加速器访问国外网站】专区,为您提供迅游加速器访问国外网站相关的安全知识供您参考!专区同时包含迅游加速器账户安全,迅游加速器安全警告,迅游加速器安全证书的内容,全方位为您的生活安全提供的指导。
CIMA: Why are CIMA updating their syllabus?
CIMA: Will I have to study for longer under the 2019 syllabus?
CIMA: Will I have to redo any subjects under the 2019 syllabus?
CIMA: If I fail my Case Study on the 2015 syllabus, can I resit it on the 2015 syllabus or will it be the 2019 syllabus?
See all 9 articles
CIMA: What should I do if I have a problem booking my exam?
CIMA: What types of questions appear on Objective Tests?
CIMA: How should I prepare for an Objective Test?
CIMA: What happens during an Objective Test?
CIMA: How do I book my exam? (incl. computer based)
See all 13 articles
Funding and course fees
CIMA: How can I pay for my course?
CIMA: Am I eligible for funding?
CIMA: Are the CIMA Fees included in the course price?
CIMA: Does my company get a discount? (and how much is it?)
CIMA: When will my card be debited?
Kaplan information
CIMA: How do I make a complaint?
CIMA: How do I unsubscribe from marketing emails?
CIMA: I am having trouble enroling online
Product and course information
CIMA: How long will it take to become fully qualified?
CIMA: How many modules are in CIMA Certificate/Professional?
CIMA: What is the Pass Guarantee?
CIMA: Do I need to book time off work for my course?
CIMA: When do I have to register with the governing bodies?
See all 12 articles
Materials and learning resources
CIMA: What study materials are included in the price?
CIMA: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
CIMA: I haven't received my materials yet?
CIMA: Can I pick up my study materials up from a Kaplan centre?
CIMA: How do I clear my browser history (cache files)?
See all 6 articles
CTA and ATT: How do I book my exam?
CTA and ATT: Do course fees include the exam fees?
CTA and ATT: How many times can I attempt an exam?
国外网站加速神器_百度百科:百度浏览器海外高速通道是国内第一个为浏览器访问国外网站加速的功能,可以帮助网友更流畅、稳定的访问国外网站。使用百度浏览器6.5及以上版本访问常用国外网站,自动开启海外高速通道,平均访问速度几乎可类比当地访问速度。通过实际体验,百度浏览器海外高速通道在海淘、海外网站浏览 ...
CTA and ATT: Is there an exam entry deadline?
Funding and course fees
CTA and ATT: How can I pay for my course?
CTA and ATT: Am I eligible for funding?
CTA and ATT: Are there any discounts available?
CTA and ATT: Are the institute fees included in the course price?
CTA and ATT: Does my company get a discount? (and how much is it?)
See all 8 articles
Kaplan information
CTA and ATT: What is my Kaplan student number/contact ID?
CTA and ATT: How do I make a complaint?
CTA and ATT: How do I unsubscribe from marketing emails?
Materials and learning resources
CTA and ATT: What study materials are included in the price?
CTA and ATT: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
CTA and ATT: I haven't received my materials yet?
CTA and ATT: Can I pick up my study materials from a Kaplan centre?
CTA and ATT: How do I clear my browser history (cache files) in Internet Explorer?
See all 6 articles
Product and course information
CTA and ATT: How long will it take to become fully qualified?
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
国外网站加速神器_百度百科:百度浏览器海外高速通道是国内第一个为浏览器访问国外网站加速的功能,可以帮助网友更流畅、稳定的访问国外网站。使用百度浏览器6.5及以上版本访问常用国外网站,自动开启海外高速通道,平均访问速度几乎可类比当地访问速度。通过实际体验,百度浏览器海外高速通道在海淘、海外网站浏览 ...
CTA and ATT: Is there a deadline to book my course?
测速网站_测速网站最新资讯:2 天前 · 国内网站测速对比 - 站长工具 国内网站速度检测的首选,遍及国内各省几十个网站速度检测点,包括BGP双线、多线、电信、网通、联通、移动、长城宽带等线路,即时测试网站在全国各地的打开速度。
See all 21 articles
Academic Support
Why is 'request a callback' not available if I live outside the UK?
How do I know which is the best way to contact Kaplan for different types of query? Eg. administrative, IT issues, academic queries.
How do I upload my progress test or mock exam for marking?
How will I know when my marked progress test or mock exam is available for review? And how do I review it?
My tutor has asked me to submit some homework. Can I do this via the assignments tool?
What is the calendar tool in MyKaplan?
Course access
How long will I have access to my content for?
I have access to two discussion forums for each subject I'm studying, what should I use them for?
How do I contact my tutor?
When should I email a support tutor in Kaplan's Academic Support team and when should I email my course tutor?
How long will my tutor or the Academic Support team take to respond to my email?
Can my employer see my test results?
Learning content
If I access a quiz on one device, will my score automatically be visible from a different device?
How do I access CIMAstudy tutorials?
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
I am unable to find my CFA learning resources, where do I find them?
速游加速器怎么对网站加速|对网站加速的操作方法-系统族下载站:2021-4-17 · 速游加速器是一款有着千万用户使用的游戏加速器,支持2021余款国内游戏加速以及台服、欧服以及美服等网游。当然该软件也可以对网络进行加速,比如网站,但是很多小伙伴不知道怎么操作,接下来就跟着小编一起来学习一下吧。
See all 8 articles
Live Chat
Logging in/Password
I've changed employer, so my work email account (which I used to use to log in) is no longer available. How can I change it so I can still access MyKaplan?
I have more than one email address. Which one should I use to log into MyKaplan?
Will I still have access to the Kaplan Practice app on my mobile phone?
Can I use the LMS (Learning Management System) and learning resources offline when I have no Wi-Fi access?
I have downloaded the Brightspace Pulse app and it has asked me to 'Pick Your School'. What should I pick?
Can I view my learning resources on my mobile device?
If I complete a test on the mobile app, will the results of this be recorded on my account?
My Account
How do I update my contact details?
How do I change my password?
Can I use the same username to buy courses and materials?
How do I remove news items once I've read them?
OneDrive 速度这么慢是因为在国内没有服务器吗?微软有没 ...:2021-9-20 · 不过几乎所有「国外软件用不了、速度慢」的问题都可以用shadowsocks+proxifier 一次性的完美解决。因为这些软件用不了或者访问慢的主要原因,要么就是在国内没有服务器、要么就是服务器比较少没能Cover到你所在的地区的网络运营商。
How do I change how I receive notification of events, such as new News items or new discussions, in my course?
System requirements
How do I resolve buffering issues with tutorials or recordings?
What are the system requirements for MyKaplan?
How can I check I meet the Minimum System Requirements to use MyKaplan?
Do I need to watch all the videos relevant to my course to succeed in my exams?
What is VideoBank?
Personal preferences
How do I opt out of marketing?
Technical requirements
What are the system requirements for WebEx webinar/video recordings?
CFA Program
CFA: How do I book my exam?
CFA: Do course fees include exam fees?
CFA: How many times can I attempt an exam?
CFA: Am I entitled to any exemptions?
cdn加速技术 - 随意贴:cdn加速是提升网站的打开速度的吗,cdn加速能提高多少有没有 答:不必考虑服务器的投入与托管、不必考虑新增带宽的成本、不必考虑多台服务器的镜像同步、不必考虑更多的管理维护技术人员。
See all 8 articles
Product and course information
CFA: How many levels are in the CFA Program?
CFA: Is there a deadline to book my course?
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
CFA: What Study Methods are available to me?
CFA: What is the recommended sitting order?
See all 18 articles
Materials and Learning Resources
CFA: What study materials are included in the price?
CFA: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
国外有什么好的网站推荐? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-4-4 · 其余的国内网站,进入前二十的只多了一个QQ(18),而马爸爸的淘宝(37)屈居搜狗之后排在国内第四。考虑到国内人口基数,国内的网站其实还有很大的发展空间。也希望能够有更多国内优秀的网站能够冲进前十的大关。
CFA: Can I pick up my study materials from a Kaplan centre?
CFA: What happens if any items I've ordered are not yet available?
Funding and Course Fees
CFA: Does my company get a discount? And how much is it?
CFA: When will my card be debited?
CFA: Where can I find course prices?
CFA: Can Kaplan support me as an international student?
CFA: Is there an option for a payment plan? How does this work?
See all 6 articles
Kaplan Information
电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 在国内正确使用的笔记本电脑拿到国外,如何打开国外的网站.我现在用的是360 ... 先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可以了上.当然免费的也可以 用到手机上 ...
CFA: How do I make a complaint?
CFA: I am having trouble enrolling online
CFA: I haven't received my enrolment confirmation
CFA: I want to enrol but can't find the course I'm looking for online. Why?
See all 7 articles
CAIA: How do I book my exam?
CAIA: Do course fees include the exam fees?
CAIA: How many times can I attempt an exam?
CAIA: Is there an exam entry deadline?
CAIA: What is the pass mark?
See all 7 articles
Funding and Course Fees
CAIA: Does my company get a discount? How much is it?
电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 在国内正确使用的笔记本电脑拿到国外,如何打开国外的网站.我现在用的是360 ... 先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可以了上.当然免费的也可以 用到手机上 ...
CAIA: Where can I find course prices?
CAIA: Can Kaplan support me as an international student?
CAIA: Is there an option for a payment plan? How does this work?
See all 6 articles
Kaplan Information
CAIA: How do I make a complaint?
CAIA: When will my online access be granted?
CAIA: What is my Kaplan student number/contact ID?
CAIA: I am having trouble enroling online
Materials and Learning Resources
CAIA: What study materials are included in the price?
CAIA: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
CAIA: I haven't received my materials yet?
CAIA: Can I pick up my study materials from a Kaplan centre?
CAIA: What happens if any items I've ordered are not yet available?
See all 8 articles
Product and Course Information
国外有什么好的网站推荐? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-4-4 · 其余的国内网站,进入前二十的只多了一个QQ(18),而马爸爸的淘宝(37)屈居搜狗之后排在国内第四。考虑到国内人口基数,国内的网站其实还有很大的发展空间。也希望能够有更多国内优秀的网站能够冲进前十的大关。
CAIA: Is there a deadline to book my course?
CAIA: Do I need to book time off work for my course?
CAIA: What Study Methods are available to me?
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
See all 18 articles
FRM: How do I book my exam?
FRM: Do course fees include the exam fees?
FRM: Am I entitled to any exemptions?
FRM: Is there an exam entry deadline?
FRM: What is the pass mark?
See all 8 articles
Funding and Course Fees
FRM: When will my card be debited?
FRM: Where can I find course prices?
FRM: Can Kaplan support me as an international student?
FRM: Is there an option for a payment plan? How does this work?
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
Kaplan Information
测速网站_测速网站最新资讯:2 天前 · 国内网站测速对比 - 站长工具 国内网站速度检测的首选,遍及国内各省几十个网站速度检测点,包括BGP双线、多线、电信、网通、联通、移动、长城宽带等线路,即时测试网站在全国各地的打开速度。
在国内如何访问国外网站和APP应用(Facebook、YouTube ...:2021-12-28 · 本文仅面向小白,大神绕绕路啦;在国内访问非大陆网站和应用时会发生“网络无法连接”,“网络连接失败”等等问题,这是因为国内的政策原因把非大陆网站和应用屏蔽掉了,也就是我们说的网络防火墙,隔开了我们跟国外友人交流,这里就不多说了,以免博主被请喝茶, 哈哈!
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
为什么在国外访问国内的网站非常慢而且不稳定? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-8-17 · 国内网站大部分服务器都在中国,但是中国的国际带宽(供国外网站访问国内服务器)不够大。所以会很慢。例…
FRM: I haven't received my enrolment confirmation
See all 6 articles
Materials and Learning Resources
FRM: Can I pick up my study materials from a Kaplan centre?
FRM: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
腾讯加速器会员版 - 陌路人博客:2021-6-15 · 【软件说明】:腾讯专业免费手游加速器,稳定游戏网络,支持国内外.上千款游戏。下载立领限时免费VIP 免费加速全球海内外游戏 1、支持上千款手游加速,覆盖国内90%已上线手游,、和平精英、QQ飞车等,保障网络稳定不掉线;覆盖国外热门游戏 ...
FRM: I haven't received my materials yet
FRM: How do I contact my tutor?
See all 6 articles
Product and Course Information
FRM: Is there a deadline to book my course?
FRM: How many parts are in the FRM Qualification?
FRM: Do I need to book time off work for my course?
FRM: What Study Methods are available to me?
FRM: What is the recommended sitting order?
See all 17 articles
IMC: Do course fees include the exam fees?
IMC: How many exams are in the IMC qualification?
IMC: What resit options are available to me if I fail my exam?
IMC: How many times can I attempt an exam?
See all 10 articles
Product and Course Information
IMC: Is there a deadline to book my course?
cdn加速技术 - 随意贴:cdn加速是提升网站的打开速度的吗,cdn加速能提高多少有没有 答:不必考虑服务器的投入与托管、不必考虑新增带宽的成本、不必考虑多台服务器的镜像同步、不必考虑更多的管理维护技术人员。
国外网站打不开怎么办? - PC下载网资讯网:2021-4-25 · 因为服务器的设置的问题,在国内是很难进入国外网站的,那么要如何才能解决呢? 1.众所周知,在中国是很难进入国外的网站,网速会变得非常的慢,甚至根本进不去,很多小伙伴不知道该如何解决,接下来小编就来告诉大家该怎么办。
IMC: What is the recommended sitting order?
IMC: What if I can't attend some course dates? Can I mix and match?
See all 15 articles
Materials and Learning Resources
IMC: What study materials are included in the price?
IMC: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
IMC: I haven't received my materials yet
IMC: How do I contact my tutor?
IMC: Can I pick up my study materials from a Kaplan centre?
Funding and Course Fees
IMC: Does my company get a discount? How much is it?
IMC: When will my card be debited?
IMC: Where can I find course prices?
IMC: Can Kaplan support me as an international student?
国内加速访问Github的办法,超级简单 - 知乎:2021-5-9 · 但国内访问GitHub的速度实在是慢得一匹,在clone仓库时甚至只有10k以下的速度,大大影响了程序员的交友效率。 GitHub在国内访问速度慢的问题原因有很多,但最直… 写文章 国内加速访问Github的办法,超级简单 扩展迷Extfans 发现有趣的网站,玩转 ...
See all 6 articles
Kaplan Information
IMC: What is my Kaplan student number/contact ID?
IMC: How do I make a complaint?
IMC: Can I defer my course?
IMC: I want to enrol but can't find the course I'm looking for online. Why?
See all 8 articles
CMP: Am I entitled to any exemptions?
CMP: Do course fees include the exam fees?
CMP: How do I book my exam?
gogo加速器让您国外访问 国内QQ音乐,酷狗音乐,网易云 ...:2021-5-11 · GOGO 加速器一键帮您解决国外访问不了国内QQ音乐,酷狗,网易云音乐,咪咕音乐 ,因版权限制问题而不能正常听歌使用问题!步骤1:打开加速器,登录账号密码(有一条免费线路供您免费使用,当然,想用更快线路可以购买VIP哦,贼便宜)! ...
CMP: What is the pass mark?
See all 9 articles
Funding and Course Fees
CMP: How can I pay for my course?
CMP: Am I eligible for funding?
CMP: Where can I find course prices?
CMP: Does my company get a discount? How much is it?
Kaplan Information
CMP: What is my Kaplan student number/contact ID?
CMP: How do I make a complaint?
CMP: I want to enrol but can't find the course I'm looking for online. Why?
CMP: I am having trouble enroling online
CMP: I haven't received my enrolment confirmation
Materials and Learning Resources
CMP: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
CMP: Can I pick up my study materials from a Kaplan centre?
CMP: What study materials are included in the price?
CMP: I haven't received my materials yet
帽子加速器软件官方下载 帽子加速器V1.0.0.4免费下载 安卓 ...:2021-12-12 · 帽子加速器是一款功能强大的网络加速软件,该软件是针对国外的网络连接的,如国外的网站,国外的电子邮件的发送与接受,还有的国外的社交聊天的平台,我们知道,在国内的打开国外的网络,很慢要加在半天,该工具能够提高加速国外网络的访问速度。
Product and Course Information
CMP: Is there a deadline to book my course?
CMP: Do I need to book time off work for my course?
CMP: What Study Methods are available to me?
CMP: What if I can't attend some course dates? Can I mix and match?
CMP: What is CPM?
See all 8 articles
IOC: How do I book my exam?
IOC: Do course fees include the exam fees?
国内怎么打开Google国内怎么上Gmail,怎么注册Gmail邮箱 ...:2021-9-2 · 现在包括google, Blogger这些在国内都是打不开的, 现在google已慢慢退出中国市场,你会发现这个在国内可能打不开了,所以下面我们为大家介绍下, 在国内怎么上Google网站,在国内怎么打开国外谷歌网站的方法,这里就需要用到一款软件了,我们以任意游为例,为
测速网站_测速网站最新资讯:2 天前 · 国内网站测速对比 - 站长工具 国内网站速度检测的首选,遍及国内各省几十个网站速度检测点,包括BGP双线、多线、电信、网通、联通、移动、长城宽带等线路,即时测试网站在全国各地的打开速度。
IOC: What resit options are available to me if I fail my exam?
See all 7 articles
Materials and Learning Resources
IOC: How much do I need to pay for shipping?
cdn加速技术 - 随意贴:cdn加速是提升网站的打开速度的吗,cdn加速能提高多少有没有 答:不必考虑服务器的投入与托管、不必考虑新增带宽的成本、不必考虑多台服务器的镜像同步、不必考虑更多的管理维护技术人员。
IOC: What study materials are included in the price?
IOC: I haven't received my materials yet
电脑怎么浏览国外网站:2021-6-13 · 在国内正确使用的笔记本电脑拿到国外,如何打开国外的网站.我现在用的是360 ... 先不买,免费用用先,好的再买.包年的话会比包月划算好多,电脑,手机IPHONE,上Facebook,推特等国外网站或者国外游戏服务器加速都可以了上.当然免费的也可以 用到手机上 ...
Funding and course fees
IOC: How can I pay for my course?
IOC: Am I eligible for funding?
IOC: Where can I find course prices?
IOC: Does my company get a discount? How much is it?
Kaplan Information
IOC: I haven't received my enrolment confirmation
IOC: What is my Kaplan student number/contact ID?
IOC: How do I make a complaint?
IOC: I want to enrol but can't find the course I'm looking for online. Why?
IOC: I am having trouble enroling online
Product and Course Information
Excel for Financial Management and Modelling
Funding and Course Fees
Excel: How can I pay for my course?
Excel: Are there any discounts available?
Excel: Do the course fees include or exclude VAT?
Excel: Does my company get a discount? How much is it?
Excel: Is there an option for a payment plan? How does this work?
Kaplan Information
Excel: I want to enrol but can't find the course I'm looking for online. Why?
Excel: How do I contact my tutor?
Excel: I am having trouble enroling online
Excel: How do I make a complaint?
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
Materials and Learning Resources
Excel: What study materials are included in the price?
Product and Course Information
Excel: Is there a deadline to book my course?
Excel: Do I need to book time off work for my course?
Excel: What study methods are available to me?
如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
Excel What time do weekday classes start / stop?
See all 7 articles
Level 7 for Trainees
What do I receive when I complete the Apprenticeship?
What is the Level 7 Professional Accountant Apprenticeship?
Can I add any more letters at the end of my name, other than those I will receive from completing the professional qualification?
Can I still do evening or weekend study on an Apprenticeship?
I like to study ad-hoc, taking papers as and when I like. Can I still do this on an Apprenticeship?
See all 13 articles
Level 7 for Employers
What is the Level 7 Professional Accountant Apprenticeship?
What will the apprentice receive when they complete the Apprenticeship?
What resources will the apprentice receive to support them?
How much will Level 7 cost?
See all 11 articles
How can I enrol apprentices with Kaplan?
旗舰VPN新一代网络加速软件 - IT168:2021-2-19 · 1. 1 使用场景1:海外全局加速,国内国外分流 (QQ不掉线,对外有2个IP地址,但是需要等待一下才会有外国的IP。只有访问大陆以外的网站和游戏会从旗舰加速器通过,访问国内网站和游戏不受影响。) 2. 2 使用场景2:全局加速(QQ掉线要重登录 ...
What counts as 20% off-the-job training?
Does the 20% of the off the job training have to be completed in work time?
Are there any other costs for the employer?
See all 16 articles
AAT Apprenticeships
How long does each level take?
How will I be supported in my Apprenticeship?
Will I be paid fairly for the work I do?
I have just left school with strong GCSEs but no work experience, could I start at Level 3?
How can I cancel my book order?
How do I return a book?
How do I cancel my book order?
I haven’t received my materials yet
How do I find my tracking number?
Kaplan information
Do I get tutor support with book orders?
How do I make a complaint?
How do I know if the material I have is still valid?
What are the online tuition videos?
What are the online revision videos?
See all 8 articles
Your order
What happens if any items I’ve ordered are out of stock?
I've placed a book order but have made an error. How do I change this?
Can I buy ACA/ ICAEW books from publishing?
What happens if I order an item out of stock?
Can you buy publishing materials from all Kaplan locations?
See all 7 articles
Why does my card get charged £1 before payment goes out?
What should I do if my payment hasn't gone through?
Can I be invoiced for a book order?
Technical terms
Absorption rates
Accounting equation
Accruals basis of accounting
Activity-based costing
Actual cost
See all 199 articles
Kaplan terminology
Accountancy Body
See all 41 articles
六毫秒加速器App-六毫秒加速器下载 1.0.1 安卓版-新云软件园:2021-6-12 · 六毫秒加速器是成都俊云科技有限公司打造的一款方便快捷的加速器软件,限时试用加速玩国服游戏、浏览国内视频,直播、音乐等各大主流平台,听歌追剧刷视频,低延迟极速畅联玩到爽,欢迎下 …
Do your locations have lifts?
I am disabled - how can you help me?
I am partially sighted - what support can I get?
I have a hearing impairment - how can you help?
See all 10 articles
Equality and Diversity
How do you promote equality and diversity?
How do you support your community with Equality and Diversity?