Molde International Jazz festival celebrated it’s 60th festival this year. Here are my favourite photos that I took at this year’s festival.
加速器 安卓
加速器 安卓
Tired of all your Notes windows, tabs and documents just keep piling up on the right side of the client? Would you like to group them? Or have them open in their own windows? Then read on!
Notes Tips #7: Jump Between Windows and Tabs
Do you miss being able to jump between tabs in HCL Notes with CTRL + TAB? Don’t despair. You still have a great opportunity to jump between your tabs and windows.
Continue reading Notes Tips #7: Jump Between Windows and Tabs
A New Volume in the Book of My Life
The cat’s out of the bag. After 27 years, I’m leaving Molde. As a part time journalist, I really should make a headline like “This is why he’s leaving” or “You won’t believe where he’s going now.” But the fact is that a new chapter of my life is about to start.
Notes Tips #6: Notes knows what you did last week
Did you know that Notes remembers every single application and document you’ve accessed in the last seven days? I give you: Notes history!
Continue reading Notes Tips #6: Notes knows what you did last week
2021年7月 - 拉币LB:安卓简拼 v2.8.1至臻VIP版 评论数: 0 浏览次数: 2668 最新评论 评论详情 【拜托帮帮我提现[可怜][可怜]我正在领拼 ͡ḌŮ⒪ḋŭ 百元现金打款[红包][红包]】 ️点击链接⬆️帮我一下,谢谢你! 或者复制整条信息,打开【拼 ͡ḌŮ⒪ḋŭ ...
Continue reading Notes Tips #5: Find Notes Application in Three Seconds
Notes Tips #4: Keep Bookmark Menu Visible All the Time
Are you, or your users, tired having to click the Open button to see the bookmark menu? Dock it!
Continue reading Notes Tips #4: Keep Bookmark Menu Visible All the Time
Notes Tip #3: Folders vs Views
After a break of several years, I’m gonna start up my Notes tips again. I will post tips as often as I can, so that you can educate yourself, your colleagues and your users. Today: Views vs Folders!
In the past months I’ve seen people posting a lot about how sick and tired they are of the life in isolation during the Corona crisis. Let me come up with an alternative view: I love it! And here’s why.
Join Me for DNUG#47Online
Join me for the online German usergroup conference on Wednesday 3rd of June and see my presentation on how to become a Notes superhero!