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David Gewirtz

In addition to hosting the ZDNet Government and ZDNet DIY-IT blogs, CBS Interactive's Distinguished Lecturer David Gewirtz is an author, U.S. policy advisor and computer scientist. He is featured in The History Channel special The President's Book of Secrets, is one of America's foremost cyber-security experts, and is a top expert on saving and creating jobs. He is also director of the U.S. Strategic Perspective Institute as well as the founder of ZATZ Publishing. David is a member of FBI InfraGard, the Cyberwarfare Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism & Security Professionals, a columnist for The Journal of Counterterrorism and Homeland Security, and has been a regular CNN contributor, and a guest commentator for the Nieman Watchdog of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University. He is the author of Where Have All the Emails Gone?, the definitive study of email in the White House, as well as How To Save Jobs and The Flexible Enterprise, the classic book that served as a foundation for today's agile business movement.


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Meet NordSec: The company behind NordVPN wants to be your one-stop privacy suite


In an exclusive interview with ZDNet, NordVPN co-founder Tom Okman shares his five-year plan to make his business synonymous with digital privacy and cyber-security.

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How coronavirus sentiment and behavior has changed, shown in three charts


Over the past three weeks, we've been conducting Twitter polls that gave us an interesting view in how our readers are responding to COVID-19.

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The Twitter megaphone: How Trump and the 2020 candidates compare in terms of reach


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