Annette Gordon-Reed '81 Named Harvard University Professor
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Research co-authored by Dartmouth's William Hudenko shows that people receiving mental health care can benefit from adding a texting component to their treatment plans, an intervention Hudenko calls "incredibly scalable" and "cost-effective."
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Research by Dartmouth's Nicholas Reo and Laura Ogden on Anishnaabe attitudes toward non-native plants is cited in a story on how climate change is changing how scientists view so-called invasive species.
Changes in Response to Black Lives Matter Are Good for Military
The Washington Post
Inclusivity is good for military effectiveness, says Dartmouth's Jason Lyall in an op-ed arguing that recent U.S. military policy changes, such as banning display of the Confederate flag, will "pay dividends on future battlefields."

The historian, legal scholar, and former trustee has earned Harvard's highest faculty honor for scholarship that "has reframed the historical dialogue about slavery and enslaved peoples in the United States," the "Gazette" says.
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Research co-authored by Dartmouth's William Hudenko shows that people receiving mental health care can benefit from adding a texting component to their treatment plans, an intervention Hudenko calls "incredibly scalable" and "cost-effective."
When Is an Invasive Species Not So?
Research by Dartmouth's Nicholas Reo and Laura Ogden on Anishnaabe attitudes toward non-native plants is cited in a story on how climate change is changing how scientists view so-called invasive species.
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The Washington Post
Inclusivity is good for military effectiveness, says Dartmouth's Jason Lyall in an op-ed arguing that recent U.S. military policy changes, such as banning display of the Confederate flag, will "pay dividends on future battlefields."

Dartmouth In The News
Annette Gordon-Reed '81 Named Harvard University Professor
The Harvard Gazette
The historian, legal scholar, and former trustee has earned Harvard's highest faculty honor for scholarship that "has reframed the historical dialogue about slavery and enslaved peoples in the United States," the "Gazette" says.
Researchers Cite Benefits of Texting Services on Mental Health Treatment
Research co-authored by Dartmouth's William Hudenko shows that people receiving mental health care can benefit from adding a texting component to their treatment plans, an intervention Hudenko calls "incredibly scalable" and "cost-effective."
When Is an Invasive Species Not So?
Research by Dartmouth's Nicholas Reo and Laura Ogden on Anishnaabe attitudes toward non-native plants is cited in a story on how climate change is changing how scientists view so-called invasive species.
Changes in Response to Black Lives Matter Are Good for Military
The Washington Post
Inclusivity is good for military effectiveness, says Dartmouth's Jason Lyall in an op-ed arguing that recent U.S. military policy changes, such as banning display of the Confederate flag, will "pay dividends on future battlefields."