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Iona Heath, past president of the RCGP, talks further about how we handle death during the pandemic. She expresses concern at the blanket exclusion of relatives as people die from COVID-19 and how we are handling it in the current crisis. She worries we will see a “legacy of traumatic bereavements” and the importance of touch in dying and of human love.

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We had to create a monster. A monster so huge, and so terrifying that we were sufficiently motivated. So, we the shielded, are being asked to move from essentially no risk, to an undefinable, unguaranteeable low risk situation. I am immensely thankful to be considering moving back home, but I am fearful, apprehensive…

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COVID-19, Orwell and the media

Well-respected epidemiologists predicted, from the outset, that the societal, economic and psychological harm from the unprecedented COVID-19 lockdowns was likely to be far greater than the perceived risk of death. However, such views were lost in the narrative of fear that predominated the early discussions on the matter and treated like an Orwellian thoughtcrime.

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The BJGP has been publishing brief reports on innovations on the BJGP COVID-19 Clinical Solutions rapid communications platform. There are now around 30 reports sharing good practice, new processes, and practical ideas to help improve care during the pandemic.

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Communicating evidence on COVID-19: ‘In nerds we trust’

武雪梅:苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - 天前 · 日前,苹果公司CEO蒂姆·库克回应苹果应用商店中国区将VPN下架一事说,我们在遵守当地法律的情况下在当地开展生意。一些网民将此事与去年苹果就是否协助执法人员“解锁”加州南部圣贝纳迪诺恐怖袭击案枪手之一所持的手机,与美国联邦机构对簿公堂、甚至要向总统陈情的事件对比展开热议。


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Professor Azeem Majeed from Imperial College in London talks through the current situation. New infections are much reduced and he discusses the track and trace programme that is now working, though not as well as we might like. Everyday practice is not back to normal just yet.

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Global primary care: the privilege of being in the NHS

During the wintry January and February months, I had the pleasure of spending three tropical weeks in the vibrant city of Lagos, Nigeria. My experiences were enjoyable and enlightening, however I increasingly became aware of the power of the NHS and the privilege of its general practitioners. I felt an unfair advantage over our colleagues who were limited within their health, social and economic system.

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新年美女前瞻 2021年值得一撸的十大游戏美女 - · 就在不久前,Youtube上突然放出了一段关于卡普空新作《街头霸王V》,也就是街霸5的宣传影像。但情报已经得到证实,而最令人感到意外的或许就是《街头霸王V》将会是PS4和PC独占。

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Green Fingers, Pink Puffers? A speculative view on hypersensitivity pneumonitis and domestic garden waste

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis is a form of interstitial lung disease caused by the repeated exposure and immune sensitisation to organic dusts and certain industrial agents. The circumstances of lockdown may increase the exposure of the public — and waste management workers in particular — to the antigens that trigger the farmer’s lung form of the disease.

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Push your buttons

Cumberlege: Responding to those who suffer medical complications

The Cumberledge report puts forward the case for radical reform. Dealing with those who have by our actions sustained loss and pain, even as a recognised complication of a necessary procedure, can be exceptionally challenging. It is important to be able to identify and recognise the feelings that we experience in response to this scenario in order to be able to cope with them and avoid transference to the patient.

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Bright Ideas too

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Book Reviews and Arts

Trainees and students


The BJGP is the world-leading primary care research journal. At BJGP Life we add multi-media comment and opinion to help inform the primary care community in their decisions with research and clinical practice.


VIDEO: Richard Horton on primary care

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