
Bibliophiles can show off their love for libraries while keeping their communities safe with these amazing new face masks from ALA Graphics, the retail team from the American Library Association.
These 100% cotton masks are breathable, washable, and reusable, and come in both youth and adult sizes.
Proceeds from their sale support ALA’s work advocating for our nation’s libraries and librarians on key issues like equity, intellectual freedom, and broadband access.
Here are some of the designs available:
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by Briana Shemroske, Booklist
Back in May, I Love Libraries spoke with academic librarian Jennifer Snoek-Brown about portrayals of librarians in film, from “spinster librarian” Mary Hatch of It’s a Wonderful Life fame (wrong!) to the denim-organizing protagonist of Party Girl (oh so right!).
Lucky for library staff and book lovers everywhere, Hollywood’s only honed their depictions of the library space and vocation in recent years—and they’re not alone. Many books, especially lately, are serving up masterful reflections on the sometimes...
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Our society is inundated with articles, stories, and opinions about the COVID-19 pandemic—but some of these sources are more accurate than others. With false information proliferating online, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction, and libraries play a key role in teaching their communities how to evaluate news items with a critical eye.
Vincci Lui, a librarian at the University of Toronto’s Gerstein Science Information Center, has created a comprehensive online guide with advice for spotting inaccurate information about the pandemic. Tips include...
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A new report from the Institute for Museum of Library Services shows more than 170 million Americans went to their public libraries in 2017 a total of 1.32 billion times. That means every American who lives within a public library’s service area—or about 312 million people—headed to their library four times over the course of the year.
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