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    Our Programs

    Learn more about our MSW and PhD programs at the links provided.  If you are looking for information on the BSW program available at UMBC, 豆荚加速器首页


    MSW Students

    More information on the MSW program can be 豆荚网络加速器官网


    PhD students

    PhD students can get information on the program and learn more about the application process here.

    Stay in the Know


    One Web Page with all the news and information students need to stay on top of all things Maryland School of Social Work.  Make sure to visit the Daily Bulletin!



    The mission of the School of Social Work’s Doctor of Philosophy program is to prepare graduates to conduct interdisciplinary research and become exemplary social work scholars and educators.

    The School is ranked 16th in the nation by U.S.News & World Report and our financial aid and stipend packages make us a "first choice" among many PhD applicants. Discover Our PhD Program.


    Fall 2018 Application Deadline: January 15, 2018
    [We require an MSW or equivalent degree for admission to the social work PhD program]

    Most Requested PhD Applicant Links:

    Admission Requirements 
    Online Application 

    Convocation 2015


    UM SSW Convocation Information For 2015 May (Spring) and July (Summer) Graduates

    (December 2014 graduates are also eligible to take part and be honored)

    When:  Friday, May 15, 2015

    Where:  Patricia and Arthur Modell Performing Arts Center at the Lyric - 140 W. Mt. Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21201

    Time: 9 AM -- Doors to the Lyric open at 8 AM. Tickets are limited to 4 per graduate as space is limited.

    The University of Maryland, Baltimore's Commencement ceremony begins at the Royal Farms Arena at 2 p.m. the same day.  There is no limit to the number of family members and friends that can attend the afternoon event.

    Convocation Homepage

    Continuing Professional Education


    Are you ready to Bloom in your social work career? The Fall 2019 Bloom catalog of continuing education opportunities at the School is now available online! Register early for best selection!


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    蚂蚁海外加速器永久免费版In October, the SSW's Kathryn Collins was presented the Distinguished Recent Contributions to Social Work Education Award by the Council on Social Work Education.

    Michael Reisch - Daniel Thursz Distinguished Professor of Social Justice

    Michael ReischDr. Michael Reisch, Daniel Thursz Distinguished Professor of Social Justice, gave the keynote presentation on Tuesday, October 10, at an event kicking off the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work's 100th anniversary year. Dr. Reisch's topic was "Social Work and Social Justice: Past, Present, and Future." Anyone interested in receiving a copy of his remarks should email him at mreisch@ssw.umaryland.edu.





    Through your generosity, the School of Social Work is impacting lives and helping to change the communities and world we live in.  Through simple gifts, scholarships, and endowments, your support truly makes a difference. 

    To learn more about giving to the SSW, please visit our 豆荚加速器首页 and make your gift today.

    There is no amount too small and all gifts are appreciated! A portion of your gift to the University of Maryland School of Social Work will be assessed to support the school's advancement efforts.






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    Trending at the SSW

    Recommendations for Telework and Tele-Education

    Check out 10 tips and a host of links to help UMB students, faculty, and staff learn or work from home during the COVID-19 crisis.

    Read more here →
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