
June 15, 2020 We will be back in Stephens Hall room 110 with limited staff and operations.

Click on "More Info" for details.


Expecting to spend some time away from Campus? Here are some resources that we have avaiable to help you stay connected while you are away.

Problems Accessing WebAID?

The latest Java release (8u171) disables browser access to WebAID.

Please visit our WebAID page for instructions on how to enable WebAID access on your machine.


We're here 2HELP!

Phone: 337-482-HELP


24/7 X 365

Email: ithelp@louisiana.edu

Online: Search for Help

In Person: Stephens Hall, Room 110

7:30am - 5:00pm (Mon-Thurs)

7:30am - 12:30pm (Fri)


Check out the IT Service Desk's list of what Microsoft 365 Products are avaiable to Faculty, Staff & Students!


The Office of Information Technology at UL Lafayette is committed to help keep the campus community connected despite the disruptions in the social norm to due constraints necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The following are services being offered to help you continue teaching, learning, and conducting University business. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact the IT Services Desk at ithelp@louisiana.edu, or during normal business hours call 337-482-4357.  Our phone is available after hours, as well, however, call agents will have limited resources to assist you with these technologies.

For Teachers

Moodle is our online learning management system (LMS).  Every course section being offered for a given semester has a corresponding Moodle class constructed for it. In partnership with the Office of Distance Learning, Information Technology is offering online material to help you transition your course and course material to the online format. The following web pages have more information.

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For Learners

Using our online learning management system (LMS), Moodle, your professor may transition their course to the Moodle system to provide instruction.  Teachers should provide information relevant to their courses via campus email.  The Service Desk staff will be available during normal business hours to help with any technical difficulties you have with Moodle.

Office of Distance Learning: Remote Learners
