
While rainfall was variable during the first half of July, temperatures were warm across the Northeast.
Read more in the NRCC Blog
This report for the Northeast features an overview of typical El Niño weather patterns, potential impacts, the winter outlook, and a comparison of previous El Niño winters.
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This page offers drought information by state, with links to regional and national drought web pages.
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The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is a way to measure dry or wet conditions based on precipitation.
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This tool places recent climate conditions in both a historical and geographical perspective.
Weather for the turfgrass industry, including disease risk, turf and weed development, irrigation information, and heat stress.
Visit the Turfgrass page
CLIMOD 2 uses the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS) to produce single-station and multi-station climate products. For example, the Seasonal Ranking report produces a graph and table of extremes or other summaries for a specified period for each year.
Go to CLIMOD 2

View a variety of monthly precipitation and temperature departure maps for any given month for the Northeast region or a selected state.
FuddledMuddled官方版|FuddledMuddled游戏官方版预约 v1.0 ...:2021-11-14 · FuddledMuddled官方版是一款精美卡通风格的模拟养成类手游,玩家在某一天误入这个世外桃源,获得被认可的魔杖,在这里可以随心所欲自由创作来改造这个世界,你可以将树种在空中,在地上放一颗星星,你还可以让月亮永远留在空中,非常的有意思。
Quarterly Outlooks
Seasonal climate highlights and outlook for the upcoming season for the Eastern, Region, Great Lakes, and Gulf of Maine. Published in March, June, September and December.
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