
Thematic portfolios powered by Trade.com allow you to trade on a range of the most high performance industries and popular trends like Robotics, Driverless cars and Cannabis stocks, at one of the leading global brokers. We proffer impacting portfolios, carefully hand selecting stocks and monitoring performance, while you simply click to select which to trade. So simple, anyone can.


Gain exposure to entire industries, trends and sectors

Diversify your portfolio to help manage your risk

Select from our handpicked stocks or customise your portfolio

Trade the default strategy or customise your portfolio


What is a thematic portfolio?

Quite simply, a basket of similar stocks or assets, collected together as a tradable product. Rather than trading Facebook stock for example, you can trade Social Media as a whole. BUY Social Media Index low and SELL when price rises or SELL high, and BUY once price declines.



Trade Thematics with a powerhouse broker. We are large enough to serve institutional investors and small enough for starter accounts. Trade.com is a leading European licensed broker, with highly dedicated customer support staff and in depth industry analysis which can help you gain an insight into your portfolio.




Select from our intelligent products. Check out the performance of the portfolios and click BUY

Customize the portfolio, or stick with default mode. Our intuitive platform easily allows you to make portfolio changes

网页加速器 of the portfolio to accept changes. Once you are happy with your portfolio, press checkout to activate.

That’s how simple it is. Remember, we are always here to walk you through, whenever you need us.
