
Over the last several months as the COVID-19 virus has spread, many people have experienced fear, stress and worry.

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breaking featured

The Elkhart County Health Department announced Friday evening the county will move to Stage 4.5 beginning Saturday.


赛风3_赛风3下载:2021-3-5 · 赛风3官方免费下载,“Psiphon”,官方中文译名为 赛风 ,民间初期译作白凤或彩虹,是最优秀的能够突破互联网审核的随心所欲应用软件,遵循GPL网络协议,于2021年12月1日公布 它是由开放互联网基金资助、多伦多大学的公民实验室研发 它的特性是用户不须在本人的计算机上安装该应


DEAR CAR TALK: In 1999, I purchased a 2000 Chevrolet Silverado pickup. I bought it because, at that time, styles were changing, and I didn’t want to drive something that looked like a semi. It was a good purchase. I have done the maintenance on it the entire time, and it is in good shape. It…

It’s Wednesday morning and the humidity has gone, leaving us with a much cooler morning. We had a light shower this morning, which we needed. Our hay was out last night, and hopefully the rain didn’t affect it too much.

On March 7, high school basketball games were being played all across the state. It was that magical time of the year in Indiana, as the state’s most popular sport was on its way to crowning its newest batch of state champions.


GOSHEN — Had it not been for a snowstorm that stranded him at Villanova University on a recruiting trip, it’s hard telling where Stephen Krecsmar might have ended up going to college.


Should Gov. Holcomb reconvene the Legislature to address mask mandate and other issues?

The Indiana Black Legislative Caucus and the Indiana House and Senate Democratic leaders have asked Gov. Eric Holcomb to call a special session of the Legislature in August to consider police reform measures, allow for unrestricted absentee voting and to implement legislative oversight of the distribution of federal COVID-19 relief funds received by Indiana. Also, Attorney General Curtis Hill believes legislators should review if they want the governor to have the authority to issue a mask mandate with penalties. Do you believe the governor should reconvene the Legislature to address these issues?

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A closer look at the federal death penalty.


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Author Shannan Martin discusses with host Sheila Selman how people can love their neighborhoods and their neighbors during the novel coronavirus pandemic.

  • 49:06

Richard Aguirre, Community Impact Coordinator for Goshen College and co-coordinator of the Elkhart County Latino Pandemic Initiative, and Liliana Quintero, executive director of the Northern Indiana Hispanic Health Coalition talk about COVID-19 in the Latino community and the initiative's education efforts. They also talk about the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on DACA.

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Listen to the latest Goshen News Sports podcast.

  • 36:24

Will they or won't they? That's the question on everyone's mind about the return of local and national sports teams as the coronavirus pandemic continues. Some local teams, including golf, are already practicing. Concord suspended its football workouts after a coach tested positive. Greg Kei…

  • 31:39
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  • 33:53

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Smoking meat at Maple City Market with Greg Beachey 

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