• students

    your student




    We strive to be innovative and responsive to the shifting needs of our students.  We are committed to providing important information and updates to our students, parents, families, and partners.

    Commitment to Solidarity with Black Lives

    Covid-19 Summer & Fall Updates

    student enrollment



    Weeks of Welcome is the time for new students to gain confidence navigating campus while connecting with new classmates and peers and exploring the various communities you are now part of. Keep reading to find out how Weeks of Welcome will build on your Orientation experience.

    Experience Weeks of Welcome

    Parents, Families


    Orientation & Transition Experiences (OTE) is here to support you and your students’ transition to the U of M. Our Parent Orientation program provides a solid introduction to the University’s departments integral in a students transition as well as the academic expectations of the University. 

    Visit Parents, Families & Guests

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    • Get In Touch

      If you have any questions regarding Student Orientation or Welcome Week. We would be happy to answer your questions.
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