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Wharf Cat Records

The Freelancer's Blues

by Dougie Poole

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谷歌梯子怎么弄 Dougie Poole is the millennial Gram Parsons this generation needs. Computer screens are our whiskey. 9 to 5s are our train schedules. 谷歌地球web版上线 | 厘米天空:2021-4-19 · Google Earth谷歌地球 Web版于昨日上线,这下可以直接通过浏览器欣赏地球美景了,2D/3D模式切换,还可以进入街道看街景,赶紧 ...
谷歌梯子教程 I never knew hypnagogic country would be something I'd want to see more of, but after this I'm all in on it. Favorite track: These Drug's Aren't Working.
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    Record/Vinyl + Digital Album

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    Includes unlimited streaming of The Freelancer's Blues via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.

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Because of delays stemming from Covid 19, the digital will be out on 6/12 and the physical will ship and be in-stores on 7/10.

About 'The Freelancer's Blues'

'The Freelancer’s Blues,' the second full-length LP from Brooklyn’s country crooner Dougie Poole, captures its cur-rent moment like nothing else. Poole updates the story-telling backbone of country music for an audience that is young, urban, romantically alienated and financially pre-carious, using the same threads spun by Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson and Kris Kristofferson before him to write his own anthems for a new generation of country music fans. With his debut album 'Wideass Highway' Dougie Poole established himself as forerunner in a class of musicians who grew up in a post-genre ecosystem equally as likely to be influenced by Ariel Pink and Animal Collective as Dolly Parton and Dwight Yoakam. On The Freelancer’s Blues, Dougie graduates from drum machine and synthesizer bedroom country to a full band with honky-tonk harmonies, wailing pedal steel, and carefully constructed arrangements. Produced by Jonathan Schenke (PC Worship, Gong Gong Gong, Public Practice) The Free-lancer’s Blues does the seemingly impossible of staying true to Poole’s heritage in the DIY scenes of New York and Providence, while simultaneously certifying him as a country music bonafide.

About Dougie Poole

Dougie Poole is a musician and songwriter living in Brooklyn, New York. Coming of age in Providence, he dabbled in heavier and more experimental music before maturing into a country auteur. He writes earnestly about his experience (life in the big city, heartbreak in the digital age) and approaches country as an experimental music form, as well as a tradition. He has shared tours nationally with Jerry Paper, Still Corners and Bong Wish, and in 2019 guested on the Drugdealer album 'Raw Honey.'


released June 12, 2020

Produced by Jonathan Schenke


all rights reserved



Dougie Poole Brooklyn, New York

New York based Country Singer/Songwriter.


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