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The Invisible Wounds of War, PTSD and/or TBI, are the “smoking gun” behind the Veteran suicide epidemic. Combat Veterans with PTSD and/or TBI or complex PTSD are more than 25 times more likely to become suicidal than their Veteran peers. (source)

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The SFTT Medical Task Force has identified clinical and alternative treatments and therapies that reduce and/or eliminate the effects of TBI and/or PTSD. One recent internal review of the VA’s current “Gold Standard” for treating PTSD found that “There is a need for improvement in existing PTSD treatments and for development and testing of novel evidence-based treatments, both trauma-focused and non-trauma-focused.” (source)

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Safe, medically proven treatments that heal combat-related TBI and/or PTSD exist. These therapies are currently available at a limited number of cutting-edge facilities around the country, many of which are SFTT Partners in our Rescue Coalition. SFTT is dedicated to identifying and improving access for American Combat Veterans to these treatments.  Info about treatments and therapies >>
Learn More

Our blog contains a wealth of resources on TBI, PTSD, and emerging treatment options. View the entire collection of articles at the SFTT blog page, or choose a category below:



Eilhys England, SFTT Chair and Co Founder explains SFTT’s unique mission.


SFTT Co-Founder COL David “Hack” Hackworth is still recognized for
his truth-telling journalism as America’s ultimate Soldier For The Truth.

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MAJ GEN John Batiste, SFTT Board President


Donate and Sponsor a Soldier. With your contribution, American Combat Veterans can receive the comprehensive, simultaneous treatment offerings that SFTT has identified as effective in treating TBI and/or PTSD: access to the SFTT Medical Task Force’s research findings on the effects of TBI and/or PTSD on the brain; Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT); Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (iTMS); Low-Level Light/Laser Therapy (LLLT); Cranial Electrical Stimulation (CES); Equine Therapy; Transcendental Meditation (TM); High Performance Neurofeedback (EEG); Organic Farming; and Service Dogs.


To Inform
Stand for the Troops educates American Combat Veterans and their families about new palliative treatments and therapies for TBI and/or PTSD.

To Identify
SFTT works with medical experts to access and provide effective shadowrocket安卓下载 to American Combat Veterans who suffer from TBI and/or PTSD.

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SFTT leverages its relationships with the medical research community and the news media to discover and publicize information regarding innovative TBI and/or PTSD treatments and therapies.

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SFTT strives to communicate and engage with American Combat Veterans so that they can self-advocate and become proactive when sourcing treatments and/or therapies for TBI and/or PTSD.



COL David “Hack” Hackworth’s career as an inspirational soldier, leader, journalist, activist and truth-teller was dedicated to supporting and protecting his troops. Hack and his wife Eilhys England founded SFTT in 1998 to help connect veterans with the resources they need to heal their invisible wounds. Read more >>