布谷加速器签到失败 维护中

Excel Training Session

In-person, Hands-on, Instructor Led

This workshop is led by an Excel Power User/Excel VBA Developer/Data Driven Application Developer.


  • for those who want to take their Microsoft Excel skills to the next level.
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  • for those with advanced skills who want to further improve their productivity.

If you have never opened the software before this workshop is not for you.

About The Session

  • Software Used – Microsoft Excel 2013.
    100% compatible with versions 2010, 2016, 2018, 365.
    95% compatible with 2007, Mac 2011 versions.
  • Hands-On – yes.
  • Manuals – we don’t provide manuals. You are welcome to take the work files with you which will serve as an excellent refresher.
Important Notice

Due to COVID-19 all classes will be held remotely online.

Register Now!

Monthly WorkShops
200 W Madison St, Chicago, IL

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布谷加速器签到失败 维护中



Excel Training Session

    At your office, home, conference room… you name it. Training at your location, at your convenience.

One-Day Sessions

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One-On-One Training

Excel Training Session

    At your office, home, conference room, our location… you name it, we’ll make it happen!

On-Site Training

We offer Microsoft® Excel classes, location training, VBA coding, general spreadsheet services and automation  in the Chicago area (Downtown, North, North-East, North-West and West Suburbs, including Schaumburg, Hoffman Estates and Naperville). Not only do we automate tasks in Excel, we connect it with other data sources, APIs and the World Wide Web. Now your spreadsheets may come to life like they never did before.

Class Size

We run small, hands-on Excel training sessions. We hold regularly scheduled courses at our location as well as on-site staff training with highly customized curriculums. If you’re looking for any type of Excel classes in Chicago we should have a solution for you. We offer unique learning experience from working professional developers & spreadsheet power users. Private sessions can & will be tailored to your unique requirements.


All instructors are working professionals. We believe that in addition to theory, it’s important to have real world experience in using the applications we teach. Our passionate instructors are well regarded for their knowledge of the software, patience, and clarity of instructions.

All Levels

Courses of all levels are available: introductory to advanced. Customers also receive 15 days email support after the course.
