

Do you have a tendency to find fault with yourself, others, or the situations that occur around you? In The Art of Disappearing by Ajahn Brahm, page 91-95 we find a important practical suggestion: to investigate the fault-finding mind. Notice if and when your attention slides into negativity, criticism, and blame. Investigate that experience: how [...]


The Buddha taught that happiness comes not through gaining or possessing things, but through release. You might inquire into your own experience to see if this is true. When you desire some pleasurable experience or object, notice the experience that surrounds that desire: What do you need to go through to get it? What does [...]


Are there any habits in your life that fuel agitation?  A fire will go out when it is not fed by grass and wood, and a glass of water will become still when it is set down. We can notice if our habits promote agitation, and then take opportunities to quiet the mind rather than [...]


This post is a reflection based on readings presented by Venerable Analayo in an online course that I am currently auditing. I am especially moved by the gradual path articulated by Ven. Anuruddha in MĀ 80 with the final line “relying on the precepts, established in the precepts, using the precepts as my ladder, I ascended to [...]

2017-02-16T09:34:50-08:00June 28th, 2013|Meditation, Sutta Study|


At our weekly meditation group we are continuing the exploration of self-construction. In the discussion yesterday, one member described how she witnessed her mind constructing a notion of self through believing a series of thoughts and speculations. Another member equated the sense of self with a discernible feeling of stuck-ness. Indeed, we create the “self [...]


This post is an "at home practice" for our Walking the Path course participants, June-July section. Investigate and reflect on to the process of conveying the past into the present. In what ways do you find that you might be "conveying the past into the present"? Consider your work life, social life, meditation practice, self [...]


Buddhist teachings use the model of the five aggregates to describe the material and mental conditions that come together to create human experience. These five aggregates include materiality, feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness. When we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, think, or experience any event, an intricate interaction of mind and body occurs enabling [...]

2017-02-16T09:34:51-08:00May 29th, 2013|Investigating body and mind, Not-Self|


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v2rayNg_——————使用方法 | 二次元圈子:2021-6-14 · 其实很简单。只需要配置一次就可以。 获取节点 获取app 填写入座 随意飞翔 咱为了方便,就写了个机器人来获取信息 可以快速查询信息(注:以下命令请先扫描或点击页脚的小窝家庭二维码加入我们的群内才可使用) 命令:我的飞机 返回: 命令:我的节点(在使用此命令前请先加机器人为QQ好友 ...

2017-02-16T09:34:51-08:00v2ray搭建教程 百度经验|Enlightenment, Jhanas, Sutta Study|

Five aspects of obstacles to understand

Here is the list of five ways of overcoming obstacles to meditation discussed at last Saturday's day long. It is from the Satipatthana Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya, Sutta number 10, paragraph 36): In regards to each hindrance the meditator: 1. Understands when the hindrance is present in me. 2. Understands when the hindrance is absent in [...]

Those first precious moments of a meditation session

This is the 'at home' practice assignment for the Walking the Path course. How do you settle yourself to begin your meditation practice? How do you establish mindful attention at the beginning of your daily meditation session? Some people dive in upon their meditation object (such as the breath) so quickly and forcefully that they [...]

2017-02-16T09:34:51-08:00May 13th, 2013|Daily Life Practice, Meditation, Mindfulness Practice|


I (Shaila Catherine) participated in an interview collage on the topic of jhana meditation created for a radio program by Jari Chavalier. Speakers include three other meditation teachers: Leigh Brasington, Steve Snyder, Tina Rassmussen, and a research scientist Jud Brewer. You can listen at:

2017-02-12T17:24:13-08:00April 22nd, 2013|Jhanas|

Want to be where you are

Do you want to be where you are right now? If the answer is no, you’ll be suffering. If the answer is such an enthusiastic yes, that you are planning how to keep or repeat the experience, you’ll also be suffering. If there is a tendency to seek comfort, security, pleasure, happiness, and fulfillment in [...]

2013-04-20T14:03:09-07:00April 20th, 2013|Daily Life Practice, 如何搭建v2ray|

Three Questions and Responses about Sankhara

VPS使用教程 | 鼠日子:2021-3-16 · 听说SS的加密已经被破,这次推荐的是VMESS协议的梯子搭建。下面是一键安装: bash <(curl -s -L 安装完成可以通过v2ray管理或是输入v2ray tg来搭建“电报”软件的专用代理。服务器端设置好之后,是相关软件在本地的应用→V2ray。本站

2017-02-16T09:34:51-08:00February 28th, 2013|Investigating body and mind, Sutta Study|


We concluded our Mindful Speech series with a discussion of Mindful Listening.  Reflective suggestions for this week included: 1. During conversations this week, notice if you tend to listen or speak more? When you are listening, are you fully present? Notice if you are planning your response, interrupting, or searching for the next opportunity to speak? [...]

如何搭建v2rayDecember 15th, 2012|Daily Life Practice, Sangha Practice|
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