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Student-Teacher Ratio
Athletic Teams
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Michael "Mikey" Anderson pitches during a home game for the BPC Barons. By Evan Riekhof BPC Marketing Coordinator MOUNT VERNON - Mount Vernon – “Nice guys finish last” is attributed to Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team manager Leo Durocher in 1946. However, the story of...
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Effective July 20, 2020, Brewton-Parker College will require all faculty, staff, students, and visitors to wear an appropriate mask or other face covering while inside campus facilities or buildings, as well as in outside areas on campus where six feet social...
A Word from the President
Brewton-Parker College is deeply grieved at the horrific and unimaginably cruel death of George Floyd. It is a terribly disturbing demonstration of the depths of the wickedness and depravity of racism. It is our prayer that God will change hearts and heal our...

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Dr. David Wilson
Associate Professor of Church Music
Division of Christian Studies and Humanities

I went to BPC to be prepared to go into a classroom and teach, but I learned so much more along the way. I learned that reaching and striving for perfection is good, but giving yourself grace to be human is better. I learned that investing in an education is important, but investing in people is greater. Long after I forget which books I’ve read in college or which papers I’ve written, I will remember the people who invested in me.
Chloe Hammons
BPC Senior
Early Childhood Education