Zixiang L. Liu et al.
Phys. Rev. E 102, 013310 (2020)
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Nils E. Strand, Rueih-Sheng Fu, and Todd R. Gingrich
Phys. Rev. E 102, 012141 (2020)
Brownian ratchets are spatially periodic, nonequilibrium systems that harness stochastic fluctuations to generate currents and perform useful work. In this theoretical study of a two-dimensional ratchet, the authors analyze how reversals of the direction of the current depend on the way the system is driven.
Zong-Yuan Liu et al.
Phys. Rev. E 102, 012405 (2020)
This theoretical work proposes a biomechanical mechanism that explains how spatial landmarks, such as cell-cell junctions, influence the dynamics of cell division in tissues, capturing well the morphological evolution of cell shapes observed in experiments.
Michael Gedalin
Phys. Rev. E 102, 013201 (2020)
Conservation of the magnetic moment of ions crossing a magnetohydrodynamic shock is often assumed in studies of collisionless shocks. While this approximation may be reasonable in certain cases, this article shows that magnetic moment conservation is inconsistent with the entropy increase which occurs for any combination of initial and final states.
James Koch, Mitsuru Kurosaka, Carl Knowlen, and J. Nathan Kutz
Phys. Rev. E 101, 013106 (2020)
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