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Facilities and Services consists of the Project Development and Engineering group that manages both Capital Construction and small projects across the NMSU System; Facilities Operations, which is organized in traditional shops and is responsible for the physical operation and maintenance of NMSU Las Cruces I&G buildings.

Oversight of the business operations is provided by the Facilities Administration unit, the Sustainability and Environmental Policy Manager makes sure that sustainable practices are incorporated into all of our activities, and the University Architect oversees campus planning and the NMSU Master Plan. The NMSU Fire Department is a full-service fire department that provides fire suppression, emergency medical services, hazardous material response, and technical rescue response as well as medical standbys for all athletic games, special events, and concerts.

A current organization chart may be found here: Facilities and Services Top Level Org Chart.

Our mission is to:
Efficiently provide a safe, well maintained and environmentally sustainable university community.