Employee Wellbeing Update - August 3, 2020
Get tips to support daily routines and focus, financial help and information, family life, emotional and mental wellbeing, and more during the pandemic.
Important information for employees
regarding COVID-19 guidelines and
remote work resources.
Get tips to support daily routines and focus, financial help and information, family life, emotional and mental wellbeing, and more during the pandemic.
View recordings and schedule for upcoming sessions, which address the phased re-entry to campus and other matters central to our workplace environment.
郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民代表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 …
Stay connected while working remotely - join this online group to share best practices, tips, ask questions, and even have a bit of fun!
Can you help deliver meals, stock a food pantry, 3D print, or sew surgical masks? Click for ways you can get involved to help support our community through this time of crisis.
New classes for fitness, meditation, yoga, even crockpot recipes -- all free and online! Schedule your Make It Happen Mondays, Take A Break Tuesdays, Workout Wednesdays and more now!
郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民代表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 …
Tips and resources for the Cornell community to support wellbeing, health, caregiving, food and prescription deliveries during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
See pages for employees and departments/managers with important guidance for working from home, including checklists, agreements, technology, and resources.
严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。
A limited number of unit leases for staff and faculty are available at the new Maplewood complex. Apply by May 1!
The new tool makes checking references quicker, easier, more consistent and more accurate. Checkster will be available for regular non-academic positions Feb. 17.
Lunchtime Ice Skating Feb. 24; Indoor Cornhole Party Feb. 24; Employee Bowling Party Feb. 25 -- Grab a colleague and join us for a fun break!
永远的老屋-随笔-齐鲁晚报网:2021-8-5 · 老屋真的是土。土墙、土坯、土窗户,就连房间地面也是土的。我姐弟六个,在老屋建前已出生了四个。父母带着四个孩子,一家六口人住着他们父辈分给的两间房子。1970年我的母亲又有了身孕,看到要添家丁的父亲在喜悦之中下了建屋子的决心。
This informative workshop series is free to Cornell faculty, staff, postdocs, and students and their partners/support persons.
Just $54 round trip for Cornell staff, faculty, retirees, and their guests! Visit the famous Philadelphia Flower Show, shop, or explore historical sites - it's your choice!
All employees welcome - learn about new programs and tools, career development opportunities, plus Q&A with staff leadership. Livestream available!
Tickets on sale till Jan. 17th: $5 for a day full of Big Red athletics, family activities, and popular community dinner. Volunteers Needed!
Contract college employees can enroll in a flexible spending account, legal insurance, and make certain changes to health plan coverage.
Sponsor a child with your office, family, or group as the Cornell Elves celebrate 30 years of service to our community.
Leave the driving to us and spend a day shopping in the city Sat. Dec. 14, or treat your favorite sports fan to the Bills vs Jets game on Dec. 29!
Donations to the Cornell United Way campaign benefit our local community - including Cornell students, staff, and faculty.
New plans! If you want dental or vision coverage or a medical or dependent care flexible spending account for 2020, you must enroll in Workday before 12/2/19.
An important message to Cornell employees about protecting yourself and others around you from measles.
邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,以前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年代修建的土墙房里,由于年代久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。
THANK YOU to Cornell's awesome staff & faculty! Enjoy a tasty treat from noon to 1:30 (or til gone) -- click for locations and information.
Get the info you need to plan for changes to your benefits and more as you prepare to transition into retirement.
Eligible faculty and staff can apply for tax-free grants of up to $5,000 to help pay for 2020 child care expenses.
Help the Cornell Elves help local kids get off to a great start at school this year -- donate a backpack, supplies, or a check before August 23!
An important message regarding parking and travel on campus during move-in weekend, August 23-24
Help welcome 4,000 new Cornellians and their families! Volunteers will receive a t-shirt, a free lunch and/or dinner, refreshments during breaks, and fun swag, too!
Please see this important information for student employees regarding how to complete I-9 form submission in Workday.
Engaging discussions about diversity and inclusion in the Cornell workplace, including action steps and interviews with colleagues.
Take advantage of this opportunity to attend great workshops, ask questions from the experts, and network! Some sessions will be livestreamed.
塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有
Travel to historic Yankee Stadium to watch one of baseball's greatest rivalries: Yankees vs Red Sox, Aug. 3; or enjoy a day trip to the city on Aug. 10
THANK YOU Cornell employees, for all you do! Join us for a summer treat of Cornell ice cream and fruit; click for locations.
新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ...
Get the info you need about your benefits, finances, and more: Friday 7/23, G01 Biotech; 10-11:30am (Contract College) or 1:30-3pm (Endowed)
Starting Sept. 9, 2019 staff celebrating service milestones (every 5 years) will receive recognition on the actual date of their work anniversary.
郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民代表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 …
The Dump & Run program helps support students, diverts usable goods from the landfill and raises money for charity. Volunteers needed! Click for dropoff locations and details.
Make sure that employee excellence is recognized - nominate a colleague, team, or yourself today. Use the online form; you can even submit a video!
Forbes teamed up with market research company Statista to pinpoint the companies liked best by employees - Cornell made the top 10 in education!
Be a part of the biggest event in the university year! There are lots of different assignments available, plus plenty of special perks.
Contract College employees can make certain revisions to health insurance plan enrollments before changes become effective June 1.
Cornell Wellness presents a fun month full of physical activity and sports -- go to the Wellness Facebook page for daily tips, games, and prizes!
东北网2021年05月27日新闻汇总:主流媒体 龙江门户
A new training, "Maintaining a Harassment Free Environment." is available for all employees on CULearn.
Click for details on this popular family event featuring a day filled with fun activities that spotlight the amazing work done at Cornell University.
生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所以我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。
"Take Us Home" meals to go are delicious and ready to heat and eat -- no mess, no extra trip to the grocery store. Pick them up on campus at several convenient locations.
女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ...
Register now to attend this helpful series of workshops, free of charge to Cornell faculty, staff, postdocs, students, and their partners/support persons.
Bid from midnight-midnight on March 8 for great prizes, and support the United Way!
生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所以我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。
Tickets are on sale through Feb. 8 - $5 includes the family-friendly community dinner and a full day of exciting Big Red athletics!
Click above for downloading instructions. Paper W-2s will be sent the week of January 14 to those who elected to receive their W-2 by mail.
女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ...
邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,以前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年代修建的土墙房里,由于年代久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。
Cornell employees have free membership with Care.com, which can help you find child care, elder companionship, pet and house sitting, even help with cleaning and tutors!
There's still time for you to participate! Join senior administration & the employee assembly for this important opportunity. See schedule for complete details.
VPs Lombardi and Opperman respond to the recent report that the Trump administration is considering a change to the definition of sex under Title IX.
It's that time of year again! Cornell employees can make certain changes to their healthcare plans or enroll in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA).
Questions about your benefits? Connect with vendors and representatives, and learn about all the benefits available to Cornell employees!
Show off and share your scrumptious apple creations, enjoy tasty family fun -- and benefit the United Way of Tompkins County, too!
Speak directly with senior administration & Employee Assembly leaders in an informal setting.
Is your costume ready? Don't miss this hilarious display of creative genius - plus pizza, cupcakes, and great prizes!
Drop off gently worn professional clothing Oct. 15 & 16; giveaway is Oct. 18, 11am-2pm, 700 Clark Hall. Click for drop off locations & details.
超有趣味的京郊年会包场指南-千龙网·中国首都网 - qianlong.com:2021-12-24 · 青籽树,坐落于400多年古村落——顺利村,设计师将这些宅院的青灰土墙、雕花屋檐完好的保留了下来,墙上的壁画依旧栩栩如生,屋檐瓦当也都还留着当年福禄祥祯的祝愿。 地址:河北省顺平神南镇唐河湾顺利村 院落:共8个院落,含7个两居、1个三居
Important reminders about upcoming deadlines and events from the new HR Services & Transitions Center.
Cornell's Child Care Grant Program helps faculty and staff pay for child care expenses by granting awards of up to $5,000 a year, tax free.
Cornellians Aiding and Responding to Employees (CARE) Fund is available to help Cornell faculty and staff with financial assistance during a crisis.
This year's nomination process has been totally refreshed, and is easier than ever! Nominate a colleague, supervisor, a team, or yourself. You can even nominate via video!
Cornell now provides free unlimited Care.com membership to help you locate caregivers such as babysitters, tutors, dog walkers, elder care assistants, house sitters and more.
Help local kids in need get a great start on the new school year by donating a brand new backpack filled with school supplies.
Cornell faculty, staff, and retirees can get help with life transitions, health concerns, dependent care responsibilities, and more!
Be a part of the biggest weekend of the year at Cornell! Volunteers receive paid time off, free breakfast, prize drawing, thank you reception, and more! Sign up today!
The latest Disability Awareness Campaign poster has been released, with a reminder to include accessibility in your event planning. This article shows you how!
昆明打造国际化便利化法治化营商环境 - yunnan.cn:2021-6-8 · 推门而入,传统的土墙老瓦、碎石铺就的小院、随处可见的不 知名野花,组成了充满彝族民居 味的“墨雨暄”,院内每个细节都 灌注着刘洋的巧思妙想。2021年11月,成都人刘洋在 学生苏智芝推荐下,第一次造访 大墨雨,一来便未离去。这里紧
Cornell faculty and staff save an additional 8% off during the one-day Apple product sale at the Cornell store! Pre-orders accepted April 12-25.
A day full of activities to amuse and educate children ages 8-16 about the awesome things that happen at Cornell University. Registration opens March 30.
Shake off winter with this 4-week challenge that focuses on eight dimensions of wellbeing... and win prizes, too!
Thank you, Cornell employees, for all the great work you do! Take a break on April 3 to step out and enjoy a snack with colleagues! Click for locations.
Get 2-Step set up now -- it's easy and keeps your personal data secure! Click the headline for everything you need to know.
Thinking about retirement? These workshops will help you understand your benefits options when making this major transition.
毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时代——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。 4年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 针对李群友的实际困难,裕民村通过危房改造项目为他家新建了一套小平房,并将其安排到附近一家养殖场上班。
Learn smart practices and strategic planning to reduce stress through organization!
Support a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable event for everyone – there are many ways you can help!
毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时代——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州毕节群山苍翠,远山经果林木生机勃勃,近山种植基地热火朝天,山下灰瓦白墙庭院错落,一幅 ...
What can YOU do to support a disability-inclusive community at Cornell? Check out these tips to help be an effective ally!
Hear all of Cornell's A Cappella groups in one amazing concert! A family-friendly evening of fun and harmony that supports the Cornell Emergency CARE Fund.
Congratulations to Brian Hurley, Infrastructure, Properties And Planning, Facilities Management,Building Care! Read about his efforts and this exciting program.
生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所以我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。
Learn about improvements with the new time and attendance system that's been rolled out to better help employees manage time worked and time off.
Do you know of a colleague who goes above and beyond expectations? Help recognize and celebrate Cornell's extraordinary staff members!
The Option Transfer period for contract college faculty and staff is open through December 15. Visit the website for 3 simple decisions to make option transfer a breeze!
Over 1,500 Cornell employees already share rides to work -- learn more about how much you can save by joining them!
Two-Step Login adds an extra layer of security for your Cornell NetID and password by connecting the login process to a physical device such as your phone.
Congratulations to three teams in Human Resources that were recently recognized as Level 4 Green Certified Offices! Learn how you can get your office Green Certified.
Cornell’s Restroom/Facilities Use Guidelines are unchanged by the recent actions of the federal government. Visit the Title IX website for details on our commitment and guidelines.
Tips from Human Resources to make sure your benefits are on track for 2017.
Meet the new senior director of Benefit Services and Administration.
See these important reminders about deadlines and claims for medical and dependent care flexible spending accounts (FSAs).
东北网2021年03月20日新闻汇总:自嵌式景观挡土墙技术有望打破边坡防治困局 2021-03-20 16:33 [202][东北教育网] 民航东北地区管理局2021年拟录用公务员公示 2021-03-20 16:31 [203][东北教育网] 2021年中央直属机关工委拟录用公务员公示 2021-03-20 16:29 [204][黑龙江新闻]
Cornell employees with Aetna health plans have a new option for filling long-term prescriptions. Currently, 90-day prescriptions or refills can only be obtained by mail order...
Stay up to date with news tailored for the Cornell community, employees, and retirees
Have you checked out CornellCast? View Cornell events, lectures, interviews, and even how-to videos on exercises and cooking!
A biweekly roundup ofupcoming training and development opportunities, as well as community and wellness events
We heard you! Read about improved navigation and new tools to help you get the information you need.
What does it mean to work at Cornell?