
This is the wiki of Tuft’s functional-programming group. We meet every Thursday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:30 while school is in session. We talk about ideas, papers, and code. We might read your code—or help you write it!

Some ideas for future discussions:

Interesting papers from ICFP

  • Romeo metaprogramming language

  • higher order optimization (Manticore group)

  • composable continuations (paper may be tough going but talk was really great)

  • Francois Pottier has a very cool paper on implementing type inference with elaboration to F. systemWould be really cool to repressive


If you want to get more email, 上韩国网站梯子.

Matt Russell found a cool-looking Haskell course. We might enjoy doing some exercises.


Our upcoming schedule for the future… (Fall 2016 and on)

上韩国网站梯子 What
上韩国网站梯子 上韩国网站梯子
上韩国网站梯子 Free monads revisited
上韩国网站梯子 Co-monads with Matt A.
Nov 17 Warble and eDSLs with Matt A.
Nov 24 Thanksgiving (Some of us might tackle more CoMonads and Cofree)
Dec 1 Graph structured stacks in a functional setting for ALL(*) parsing with Karl C.
上韩国网站梯子 Distributed Lisp PL with Max B. Time change: 2:30pm in H209


Here are a few ideas Norman had:

  • Get deeper into tagless interpreters. How does IO fit into the story?


上韩国网站梯子, 上韩国网站梯子, Fall 2013 past schedule, Spring 2014 past schedule, Fall 2014 past schedule, and Semesters 2015 past schedule.

We had a lot of fun with a Sudoku Solver

Help create ideas for future activities!

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