shadowsock 服务器搭建


shadowsock 服务器搭建

If you'd like to contact the organizers, please send us email at

We meet quarterly to share lessons learned on various topics including computer science, design, HCI, complex systems development, programming languages, compiler optimization, cryptography, computer music, AI... and whatever else the group finds interesting.

The common thread is that most of the presenters & audience know at least one dialect of Lisp (e.g. Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure, Emacs Lisp, etc). But it is definitely a polyglot (not just Lisp-related) group, and presentations on non Lisp-related subjects are encouraged.

The format is usually one long-form talk (between twenty minutes and one hour) followed by several "educational lightning talks" (background + five-minute presentation + five minutes for Q&A), with all attendees invited to present if they feel like it. Followed by snacks.

We're beginning to record video of many of our talks and put them on YouTube. You can find them here:

shadowsock 服务器搭建

shadowsock 服务器搭建

shadowsock 服务器搭建