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© 2020 Local World
Police called to Hester's Way fight in Cheltenham
Arrest made after Princess Elizabeth Way incident
男子私自搭建VPN服务器非法获利50余万元被判刑_新闻中心 ...:2021-12-20 · 男子私自搭建VPN服务器非法获利50 余万元被判刑 时间:2021-12-20 17:27:00 作者:杨德灿 新闻来源:正义网 评论投稿 打印 转发 复制链接 小|中|大字号 分享到: 正义网贵港12月20日电(通讯员 杨德灿)吴向洋在未取得《增值电信业务经营许可证》的 ...
A man suffered serious stomach injuries following a serious assault in Salisbury Road, off Barton Street, later on a car was found on fire in nearby Abbeydale
基于Centos搭建shadowsocks服务器 - 起风了:2021-3-8 · 首页 程序员基于Centos搭建shadowsocks服务器 基于Centos搭建shadowsocks 服务器 马谦马谦马谦 2021年10月21日15:23:55 发表评论 文章最后编辑于:2021-3-8 16:00:14 一、安装 安装方法有两种,pip安装和源码安装 1.1 pip方式安装 ...
Police managed to shut down two more illegal raves in Gloucestershire on the same night
R rate in South West grows and could be above 1 in our region
The Government has confirmed the latest R number for the region
No new coronavirus cases reported in Gloucestershire for second day running
The UK death toll has now reached 46,210
男子私自搭建VPN服务器非法获利50余万元被判刑_新闻中心 ...:2021-12-20 · 男子私自搭建VPN服务器非法获利50 余万元被判刑 时间:2021-12-20 17:27:00 作者:杨德灿 新闻来源:正义网 评论投稿 打印 转发 复制链接 小|中|大字号 分享到: 正义网贵港12月20日电(通讯员 杨德灿)吴向洋在未取得《增值电信业务经营许可证》的 ...
Organisers of the biggest cider festival in the county have issued a statement following the cancellation of this year's event
Gloucester City AFC "heartbroken" after break in at Meadow Park
Gloucester City FC
Work to finish the new stadium at Meadow Park was due to finish soon
最新 搬瓦工VPS手动搭建梯子教程(解决一键搭建空白问题 ...:2021-10-27 · 10.2日更新 :至6月份开始封禁后,很多爬墙方式都受到沉痛打击,现在我推荐给大家的有2种方式: 1、仅需爬墙的用户,购买Just My Socks是最好的选择(优惠码+购买教程,而且我单独给大家整理了使用攻略) 2、购买VPS,首选当然是搬瓦工(6.38%优惠码),购买VPS,搭建的方式为(V2ray …
A38 Eastern Avenue is partially blocked in both directions due to an accident between a car and a motorcyclist
Take a sneak peek at Cheltenham's The Coconut Tree ahead of its reopening
The award-winning Cheltenham restaurant is set to reopen today for the first time in months
Cyclist airlifted to hospital after incident in Cotswold Water Park
The crash happened on Broadway Lane in South Cerney
Tree falls onto power lines in Forest of Dean 'scorching ground' and cutting power
Emergency services and Western Power Distribution were called to the B4234 Forest Road, near the Bowling Club in Lydney
New Facebook announcement which all parents need to know about
在Vultr(centos7)上安装shadowsock及Google BBR实现 ...:2021-6-23 · 对于程序猿来说,百度就是一个坑的存在,找一个问题,前面几页都是抄袭、雷同的问题,还有若干的百度经验,但是,对于近期的墙是越来越厚了,各种ss账号都失效了,无奈开始自己动手搭梯子吧。通过网上各种对比后,最后选了了 Vultr , 安装Google BBR后基本可以满速翻墙,而且,最强大的是 ...
Scorching weather this weekend could prove risky for those concerned
You can pay to receive a 'threatening letter' from This Country star
CentOS 7 安装 shadowsocks 客户端 | 全栈渐进之路:2021-7-24 · 前言 最近由于在阿里云从 GitHub 拖代码非常困难,因此萌生了在服务器上使用 shadowsocks 的念头。 本文记录了我在 CentOS 7 上成功安装运行 shadowsocks 客户端的过程。
Pubs open in Wales on Monday here are five you can visit just over the Gloucestershire border
Wales is reopening after the Coronavirus lockdown
Disabled cyclists from Cheltenham complete virtual Route 66 challenge
They completed the challenge to raise money for their care home
'African heat flare' UK braced for 10-day August heatwave with temperatures topping 35C
CentOS、Debian下搭建shadowsocks-libev服务端-linux服务 ...:2021-2-22 · shadowsocks是近两年才发展起来的轻量级的socks5代理软件,相较于传统的ssh,shadowsocks速度更快。我在buyvm里搭建了一下,然后在本地8M电信单线程下载YouTube视频,下图所示:电信8M几乎跑满,比ssh快
National Lottery results: Winning Lotto and Thunderball numbers for tonight, Saturday, August 1, 2020
National Lottery
There is £3.8m up for grabs in tonight's draw and a top prize of £500,000 in Thunderball
Schools need 'clarification' on reopening amid rise in Covid-19 cases, says union
UK & World News
Boris Johnson previously pledged that all pupils at both primary and secondary schools in England will return in September
Wye Valley
World and its wife wants to walk the Wye but we found a few quiet spots away from teeming Tintern
Tintern was teeming but there were places to go to escape the crowds heading to Britain's very first staycation destination
Map shows the unhealthiest places to live in Gloucestershire
The new data compares the most and least healthy places in our county
Why watching Line of Duty first episode repeat on BBC One tonight is a brilliant thing to do
Seeds for future greatness sown as Steve Arnott meets Ted Hastings and Kate Fleming for the first time in BBC dodgy cop drama first shown in June 2012.
Radical overhaul of 'outdated and complex' planning system to build homes faster due to be announced
UK & World News
Part of the new process will involve quicker development on land which has been designated 'for renewal'
The 26 towns and cities in England on the Government's coronavirus 'watch list'
UK & World News
Many parts of the country are being monitored after seeing a rise in their rates of Covid-19 infections
在centos7上安装V2ray 比shadowsock更科学的上网方式 | TY ...:2021-6-13 · 客户端 安卓 birfrostV 推荐这个,v2rayNG对于很多国内的网址,还是会走代理 v2rayNG Windows 以下两个都需要下载 v2ray-core ,点击链接,到github上选择自己的平台版本即可 v2rayN 点击链接,下载里面的v2rayN.zip即可 v2rayW 下载压缩包即可,这个程序会主动帮助下载 v2ray-core 所以更方便点,界面也比 v2rayN 看着舒服
UK & World News
Michael Foy threatened to jump from a railway bridge in a deliberate bid to cause havoc
The 11 myths we have been believing about our hair all this time
What's On News
People are flocking back to their hairdressers but here's what we've been getting completely wrong about our locks
Death notices and funeral announcements made in Gloucestershire in the last week
People from Gloucester, Cheltenham, Stroud, Tewkesbury, Forest of Dean and Cotswolds are being remembered
CentOS7搭建Squid代理服务器,代理QQ | Ikaros:2021-4-2 · 实现与CentOS7,其他版本请自行变动。 环境搭建 具体搭建参考 使用Squid搭建CentOS7代理服务器上网 部分内容参考此文章 安装软件 终端执行命令 yum install squid -y yum install httpd-tools -y 生成密码文件 创建文件夹 mkdir / etc / squid3 / #ikaros 是用户名 htpasswd -cd / etc / squid3 / passwords ikaros #提示输入密码,比如输入 ...
The planned easing from August 1 across England will not now happen
2021最新Centos7搭建Pptp VPN一键安装脚本-傲盾互联 ...:2021-4-5 · 最新文章 WordPress数据库及各表结构分析 2021-04-05 使用Yum-Cron在CentOS 7中自动安装安全更新 2021-04-05 2021最新傲云域名解析教程 2021-02-28 国外Windows VPS服务器上安装IIS服务 2021-02-24 windows服务器IIS服务修改已绑定的网站域名 2021-02-24
UK & World News
The measures were announced today
Police take action after tourists flock to Bourton and someone’s bad parking blocks resident on his drive
Officers were on patrol after village fills up with visitors
Witcombe Cider Festival 2020 cancelled says Tewkesbury Borough Council
Witcombe Cider Festival
CentOS7 下安装配置 shadowsocks实现科学上网 - yuick's blog:2021-7-9 · CentOS7 安装 GitLab ( 2021年08月31日 ) 关于IP的简单介绍 ( 2021年06月01日 ) CentOS通过秘钥登录 ( 2021年05月23日 ) 一不小心恢复了快照,数据丢失了 ( 2021年05月21日 ) 利用IPv6在个人计算机上搭建网站 ( 2021年04月23日 ) 联通光猫及老毛子Padavan路由
What happened when we went and got our nails done for the first time since lockdown
Salons in the county were allowed to offer other beauty treatments such as nail appointments this month
在Vultr(centos7)上安装shadowsock及Google BBR实现 ...:2021-6-23 · 对于程序猿来说,百度就是一个坑的存在,找一个问题,前面几页都是抄袭、雷同的问题,还有若干的百度经验,但是,对于近期的墙是越来越厚了,各种ss账号都失效了,无奈开始自己动手搭梯子吧。通过网上各种对比后,最后选了了 Vultr , 安装Google BBR后基本可以满速翻墙,而且,最强大的是 ...
Armed Forces
President Trump is pulling forces out of bases in Germany and United States Air Force personnel at the Suffolk base will stay in the UK
What to do if you witness hare coursing in Gloucestershire as the season begins
Rural Gloucestershire
The bloodsport was made illegal in England by the Hunting Act 2004
Centos7 系统一键安装 Shadowsocks 和 KCPTUN 加速 ...:2021-8-3 · 新安装的centos7系统可以使用下面的安装脚本一键安装$$,如果嫌复制粘贴麻烦,可以到脚本地址下载安装命令sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github...
Unhappy staff complain about treatment by Starline Taxis in Cheltenham but its boss defends its action
We went to Morrisons cafe for the first time since lockdown and it was everything we hoped it would be
It's different, but the Cheltenham supermarket in Up Hatherley gave us exactly what we needed. This is what you need to know before you go
如何查看修改ss服务器的端口密码 - 吴昊博客 - · 配置好了shadowsocks(以下简称ss)忘记了密码相信很多人都干过,下面来说说如何查看ss服务器的端口和密码。 查看当前ss服务器所开放的端口 ss -lntp | grep ssserver
The latest on the police investigation into incidents in Salisbury Road and next to the Clock Tower in Abbeymead
Police investigate links between serious assault in Barton Street area and car fire in Abbeymead
Gloucestershire Police
Man taken to hospital in Bristol after Salisbury Road attack which was followed by car blaze near Clock Tower
Gloucestershire comedians' frustrations on losing their livelihood during lockdown
The comics have had to succumb to Universal Credit, temp work at Tesco and slipping back in to an old career
The Gloucester neighbourhood where almost a third of 10 year olds are obese
Gloucestershire County Council
The problem is worst in Barton and Tredworth, in Gloucester
Woman wakes up to find her pride and joy car covered in paint
The resident of Cambridge, near Dursley, also had three tyres slashed by the vandals
在centos7上安装V2ray 比shadowsock更科学的上网方式 | TY ...:2021-6-13 · 客户端 安卓 birfrostV 推荐这个,v2rayNG对于很多国内的网址,还是会走代理 v2rayNG Windows 以下两个都需要下载 v2ray-core ,点击链接,到github上选择自己的平台版本即可 v2rayN 点击链接,下载里面的v2rayN.zip即可 v2rayW 下载压缩包即可,这个程序会主动帮助下载 v2ray-core 所以更方便点,界面也比 v2rayN 看着舒服
UK & World News
Sports retailer and gym group says it will now wind down its retail business for good
New changes for Cheltenham's sexual entertainment policy after review
Cheltenham Borough Council
The age has been raised from 21 to 25 to make it "more difficult for anyone underage to access" sexual entertainment venues in the town, and those who don't look of age will be asked to show valid photo ID or be thrown out
Heartbroken mum whose children drowned in Gloucestershire quarry breaks silence to make sure they are not forgotten
Gloria Edwards wants to make sure a memorial park dedicated to her children stays open so children have a safe place to play
Danger to people and animals as blue-green algae found at beauty spots
The harmful substance has been found at Cotswold Water Park lakes
Police called to 'serious assault' in Gloucester
Incident in Barton Street area with police activity reported around Salisbury Road and Hatfield Road
Mum's anger after fellow shopper scolds her son for not wearing mask in supermarket
UK & World News
The 12-year-old boy was questioned by an older woman who spotted him without a face covering at the store in Chesterfield, Derbyshire
Motorcyclist who died in crash near Stroud named
The 24-year-old man died on Sunday July 12, after a crash on his Honda motorbike on Tanglewood Way in Chalford
Pedestrian suffers head injury in collision with car
Traffic & Travel
Information sought by police after incident in Bourton-on-the-Water leads to man being taken to hospital
Parts of UK to be hotter than Ibiza today
The Met Office has revealed where will get the full benefit of the sun on Friday
Northern lockdown in Manchester, Yorkshire and Lancashire
UK & World News
You cannot mix with people from other households in your home or garden or in pubs and restaurants
Civic chiefs pump cash into Cotswold leisure centres and museum to save them
centos7搭建shadowsock实现vpn翻墙 | 舒宇的博客:2021-4-22 · 卸载方法 使用root用户登录,运行以下命令:./ uninstall 配置文件路径:/etc/shadowsocks.json
科学上网:CentOS系统一键安装ShadowSocks Python版一键 ...:2021-2-14 · 最近奥运会期间,很多人都想要翻墙去看墙外的网站,比如twitter、facebook、youtube等,看高清图片或者比赛视频,对于一些没有网络基础的人来说确实比较麻烦,这里给大家推荐一个很简单的教程,你只需要一个linux系统的VPS,然后跟着做,1分钟
Parish council says development on Prestbury Playing Fields could not have been better timed
Luxembourg is taken off the UK quarantine exemption list
The imposition of quarantine measures follows a similar decision to remove the so-called “air bridge” travel corridor with Spain on Saturday night
More cases of coronavirus recorded in three areas of Gloucestershire
Four more positive tests have been reported across the county as the UK death toll rises to nearly 46,000
Man arrested in Cheltenham in connection with sexual assaults
The arrest was made following information given by the public after yesterday's appeal
Amelia Warner on why she and Fifty Shades of Grey star Jamie Dornan moved to Gloucestershire
Gloucestershire is a perfect place to bring up children and Sunday lunch is non-negotiable in the Dornan family house
Abbeymead houses shake as 'car explodes' with huge bang
Emergency services at the scene near Clock Tower
No coronavirus cases reported in Gloucestershire in the past 24 hours
Today's NHS England data shows that there haven't been any more positive tests in the county as the UK death toll rises to 46,201
Why was this striking large vessel heading towards Gloucester?
Gloucester Docks
The Severn Sea ship was making its way towards the city along the Gloucester and Sharpness Canal
The huge new hidden bridge that nobody seems to know about
Traffic & Travel
Network Rail installs Cloddymore Footbridge over the railway line at a tucked away site in Cheltenham
Gloucester grandmother of 12 graduates university at 75 saying she wanted to inspire 'more older women'
Carole Taylor never thought she'd get into the University of Gloucestershire at 71, but now she's about to start her Masters degree - having achieved a first class honours degree in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics.
Toby Carvery customers caught up in roadworks and temporary traffic lights
2021最新Centos7搭建Pptp VPN一键安装脚本-傲盾互联 ...:2021-4-5 · 最新文章 WordPress数据库及各表结构分析 2021-04-05 使用Yum-Cron在CentOS 7中自动安装安全更新 2021-04-05 2021最新傲云域名解析教程 2021-02-28 国外Windows VPS服务器上安装IIS服务 2021-02-24 windows服务器IIS服务修改已绑定的网站域名 2021-02-24
We went to Butlins for the first time post-lockdown and this is what it was like
Would the Magic of Billy Butlin live on with social distancing? Would the redcoats have face masks? We headed to West Sussex to find out
Rave in Forest of Dean closed down by police as arrests made, roads blocked and sound systems seized
Gloucestershire Police
Incident near Speculation car park near Lydbrook and Parkend as residents thanked for patience
Latest after wanted appeal launched after pedestrian injured in Brockworth
Police have located individual after incident on Saturday
Caffe Nero flats to be built in Gloucester after Government says yes to plans
Gloucester City Council
Plans had initially be rejected by Gloucester City Council
Meet the inspiring Gloucester man who is UK's longest surviving heart transplant recipient
Steve Syer, 78 from Hucclecote, received his heart in 1984 - and nearly 40 years later he was donated another organ, but this time from his wife of 56 years.
Police called to Hester's Way fight in Cheltenham
Arrest made after Princess Elizabeth Way incident
Tree falls onto power lines in Forest of Dean 'scorching ground' and cutting power
Emergency services and Western Power Distribution were called to the B4234 Forest Road, near the Bowling Club in Lydney
Live: Gloucester crash injures motorcyclist and blocks road
Centos 7 搭建 Shadowsocks 配置 iptables 规则 - MicronBot:2021-3-31 · 写在前面最近心血来潮,弄了一个VPS来玩,顺便学习一下Linux。玩VPS第一个想到的事就是搭梯子科学上网。这里搭的第一个梯子,就是Shadowsocks。因为安装和配置都很方便,也是当前比较 …
拯救被墙的服务器 - tlanyan:2021-5-19 · 经常科学上网的网友,自然对vps被屏蔽、无法建立连接等现象再熟悉不过。遇到这种情况,新手该怎么面对和处理?经验丰富的老司机又如何做到时刻保持外网不断?本文先分析服务器被block的现象,再根据多年经验给出ip被墙的解决办法以及降低被墙概率的建议。
The UK death toll has now reached 46,210
UPDATED: Reprieve for RAF Mildenhall that was to close with some troops transferring to RAF Fairford
Armed Forces
President Trump is pulling forces out of bases in Germany and United States Air Force personnel at the Suffolk base will stay in the UK
Take a sneak peek at Cheltenham's The Coconut Tree ahead of its reopening
The award-winning Cheltenham restaurant is set to reopen today for the first time in months
Disabled cyclists from Cheltenham complete virtual Route 66 challenge
centos搭建shadowsock-云海天教程:2021-6-6 · Shadowsocks服务端搭建 服务端搭建的前提是你已经成功使用SecureCRT或putty或者xshell连接服务器,接下来的工作就是按照下面的步骤依次执行: 1.环境安装与更新 这一步,你需要做的是依次执行下面的每条命令: yu...
What happened when we went and got our nails done for the first time since lockdown
Salons in the county were allowed to offer other beauty treatments such as nail appointments this month
Cyclist airlifted to hospital after incident in Cotswold Water Park
The crash happened on Broadway Lane in South Cerney
New changes for Cheltenham's sexual entertainment policy after review
The age has been raised from 21 to 25 to make it "more difficult for anyone underage to access" sexual entertainment venues in the town, and those who don't look of age will be asked to show valid photo ID or be thrown out
Gloucester Rugby
Franco Marais re-joins Gloucester Rugby on short-term deal
The hooker had been due to head to Japan but will come back to the Cherry and Whites
错误_社区_115,一生相伴:2021-6-12 · 115社区,你的网上家园!这里每一个社区都会帮你找网盘资源、交朋友、赏电影、评视频、谈游戏,你还可以通过115社区聊天、购物、娱乐,看热门资讯,尝人间冷暖,写心情日记,建网上家园!
Little Mix
The girlband were set to perform at Kingsholm Stadium on Thursday, July 9
Former Gloucester Rugby and England number eight to coach Gloucester-Hartpury women
Gloucester Rugby
He will replace a former Cherry and White prop in the role
Travellers at Gloucester All Blues Rugby Club evicted with police called to the scene
centos搭建的shadowsock如何设置一个ip同时在线人数 ...:2021-12-17 · 搭建好的 shadowsock 默认一个帐号是支持多个设备上同时登录, 如何设置同时在线人数呢, 如 ,一个ip限制2个设备上同时登录,求大神们指点 0 2021-11-19 16:06:50 回复数 1 只看楼主 ...
Louis Rees-Zammit 'devastated' not to get a chance to play for Wales in the 2020 Six Nations
Gloucester Rugby
2021最新Centos7搭建Pptp VPN一键安装脚本-傲盾互联 ...:2021-4-5 · 最新文章 WordPress数据库及各表结构分析 2021-04-05 使用Yum-Cron在CentOS 7中自动安装安全更新 2021-04-05 2021最新傲云域名解析教程 2021-02-28 国外Windows VPS服务器上安装IIS服务 2021-02-24 windows服务器IIS服务修改已绑定的网站域名 2021-02-24
National Lottery Set for Life winning numbers for Monday, August 3, 2020
Tonight's top prize is £10,000 a month for the next 30 years.
'A new frontier in high-speed travel' Virgin Galactic signs deal with Rolls-Royce to develop supersonic aircraft
UK & World News
Aircraft will be able to travel three times the speed of sound
Laws to enforce northern lockdown restrictions yet to be implemented, governement admits
UK & World News
Department of Health and Social Care says it is trying to make the changes legally enforceable as soon as possible
TikTok could set up in London 'to keep distance from China'
The move by the social media app may put the UK at odds with US President Donald Trump
All you need to know about returning to the office in England after coronavirus lockdown
UK & World News
It is now up to employers to decide if they need to have their staff all in one place to properly run their business - these are your rights
Most Read
Most Recent
CentOS7安装Shadowsocks-libev - NP:2021-1-4 · 有很多方法可以实现科学上网,如果你有一台VPS,可以自己搭建一个Shadowsocks服务端。自己搭建服务可以更好地对服务端进行控制。这里以Shadowsocks-libev为例介绍安装过程。服务器系统:CentOS 7.6版本:Shadowsocks-libev安装方式
CentOS、Debian下搭建shadowsocks-libev服务端 – 小辛博客:2021-7-25 · 《CentOS、Debian下搭建shadowsocks-libev服务端》上有4条评论 Yawei 说道: 2021/04/18 13:33 小辛, 你好,很喜欢你这个站点,非常感谢你提供的这个篇技术文章。我有些问题想要咨询你: 就是关于服务器按你的提供的指导安装好shadowsocks之后,能否 ...
Tree falls onto power lines in Forest of Dean 'scorching ground' and cutting power
Emergency services and Western Power Distribution were called to the B4234 Forest Road, near the Bowling Club in Lydney
National Lottery Set for Life winning numbers for Monday, August 3, 2020
CentOS7 搭建 ShadowSocks 丨 RAIN MAN:博主是程序猿?博主是工程狮? 真的都不是,其实我是一名仓管~
CentOS 7.x 快速搭建SS服务器 安装配置 shadowsocks - 暮 ...:2021-1-28 · CentOS 7.x 快速搭建SS服务器及常见错误处理 2021年01月28日 22:13:55 Tony Fang 阅读数:425 本人被人推荐,租了一台阿里云入门级ECS服务器,有很大一部分的动机是想科学上网。因为我有 …
A38 Eastern Avenue is partially blocked in both directions due to an accident between a car and a motorcyclist
No new coronavirus cases reported in Gloucestershire for second day running
The UK death toll has now reached 46,210
Most Read
Confusion as traveller community 'locked in' to Gloucester park
在centos7上安装V2ray 比shadowsock更科学的上网方式 | TY ...:2021-6-13 · 客户端 安卓 birfrostV 推荐这个,v2rayNG对于很多国内的网址,还是会走代理 v2rayNG Windows 以下两个都需要下载 v2ray-core ,点击链接,到github上选择自己的平台版本即可 v2rayN 点击链接,下载里面的v2rayN.zip即可 v2rayW 下载压缩包即可,这个程序会主动帮助下载 v2ray-core 所以更方便点,界面也比 v2rayN 看着舒服
Police called to Hester's Way fight in Cheltenham
Arrest made after Princess Elizabeth Way incident
Police provide update on Gloucester stabbing and car explosion
A man suffered serious stomach injuries following a serious assault in Salisbury Road, off Barton Street, later on a car was found on fire in nearby Abbeydale
CentOS 7镜像下载 - 简书:各个版本的ISO镜像文件说明: CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1708.iso 标准安装版(推荐) CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1708.iso 完整版,集成所有软件(以用来补充系统的软件或者填充本地镜像)
The Government has confirmed the latest R number for the region
Map shows the unhealthiest places to live in Gloucestershire
The new data compares the most and least healthy places in our county
教程:搬瓦工Conetos 7 任何版本命令安装Shadowsocks ...:2021-3-20 · 大家好,从之前的写《搬瓦工Centos 6 64 BBR版本命令安装Shadowsocks》教程以来,Q群里来了很多工友,有的工友对命令是很陌生的,而且对服务器操作来说也是有难度的,但是为了让大家都用上SS,我在群里都给大家做了解答,有的时候也用Teamview给大家远程,但是Teamview个人版本是有连结限制的,所以到 ...
如何查看修改ss服务器的端口密码 - 吴昊博客 - · 配置好了shadowsocks(以下简称ss)忘记了密码相信很多人都干过,下面来说说如何查看ss服务器的端口和密码。 查看当前ss服务器所开放的端口 ss -lntp | grep ssserver
Tree falls onto power lines in Forest of Dean 'scorching ground' and cutting power
Emergency services and Western Power Distribution were called to the B4234 Forest Road, near the Bowling Club in Lydney
centos搭建shadowsock-云海天教程:2021-6-6 · Shadowsocks服务端搭建 服务端搭建的前提是你已经成功使用SecureCRT或putty或者xshell连接服务器,接下来的工作就是按照下面的步骤依次执行: 1.环境安装与更新 这一步,你需要做的是依次执行下面的每条命令: yu...
National Lottery
Tonight's top prize is £10,000 a month for the next 30 years.
最新 搬瓦工VPS手动搭建梯子教程(解决一键搭建空白问题 ...:2021-10-27 · 10.2日更新 :至6月份开始封禁后,很多爬墙方式都受到沉痛打击,现在我推荐给大家的有2种方式: 1、仅需爬墙的用户,购买Just My Socks是最好的选择(优惠码+购买教程,而且我单独给大家整理了使用攻略) 2、购买VPS,首选当然是搬瓦工(6.38%优惠码),购买VPS,搭建的方式为(V2ray …
Cinderford Town FC
Welshman excited for Premier Division challenge at Yate Town
Live: Gloucester crash injures motorcyclist and blocks road
A38 Eastern Avenue is partially blocked in both directions due to an accident between a car and a motorcyclist