Hillside Parents and Guardians
Parents this is a resource for all students who receive free or reduced lunch, you must apply online, up to $365 per child. If you have not received a P-EBT by now, you have until June 30th to apply. The link below is in Spanish but you can switch it to English
Padres y Tutores de Hillside
Padres, este es un buen recurso para todos los estudiantes que reciben almuerzo gratis o a precio reducido, hasta $365 por niño, debe solicitar en línea. Si aún no ha recibido un P-EBT, tiene hasta el 30 de junio para presentar su solicitud. El siguiente enlace está en español.
Hello Parents,
As you know from the communication, the Community Resource Centers had to be canceled to prevent the spread of COVID-19. However, there are 64 Grab and Go Food Centers throughout the District. Two of which are within our Lincoln Heights and EL Sereno Community of Schools:
- Lincoln High School -
- 暗网使用者:有些人应该被判处死刑_荔枝网新闻 - JSTV.COM:2021-8-2 · 如果有人问我去哪里观看CP(Child Pornography,即儿童色情作品)影片,我会告诉他们永远都不要去看。其实,暗网世界中的儿童色情作品相当泛滥,在“暗黑维基”(Hidden Wiki)上甚至有“儿童色情影片”的链接专栏。
- Wilson High School -
- Grab and Go Walk and Drive on Wilson Way - Entrance on Multnomah St and Exit on Yellowstone St
Food Centers will be open from 7 AM to 11 AM, for all School Age Community Children.
Please, you are reminded to practice social distancing and continuous learning from home.
Thank you.
Hola padres asombrosos,
Como saben por la comunicación, los Centros de Recursos Comunitarios fueron cancelados para evitar la propagación de COVID-19. Sin embargo, hay 64 centros de comida Grab and Go en todo el distrito. Dos de los cuales están dentro de nuestra comunidad de escuelas de Lincoln Heights y EL Sereno:
1. Lincoln High School –
1. Tome y camine y conduzca en la esquina de Lincoln Park Ave y Broadway
2. Wilson High School -
2. Grab and Go Walk and Drive en Wilson Way: entrada en Multnomah St y salida en Yellowstone St
Los Centros de Alimentos estarán abiertos de 7 a.m. a 11 a.m. para todos los niños de la comunidad en edad escolar.
Le recordamos que practique el distanciamiento social y el aprendizaje continuo desde su hogar.
School is closed until further notice. Thank you for all your support. Please use the District link for示波器的原理和使用方法 - hebtv:2021-2-20 · 来源:网络在数字电路实验中,需要使用若干仪器、仪表观察实验现象和结果。常用的电子测量仪器有万用表、逻辑笔、普通示波器、存储示波器、逻辑分析仪等。万用表和逻辑笔使用方法比较简单,而逻辑分析仪和存储示波器
每天早上空腹吃个苹果,坚持半个月,有4大好处,尤其女性要 ...:2021-3-27 · N号房案件的罪犯赵博士,还有律师敢替他辩护吗? 黑客帝国4蝙蝠侠在列,2021好莱坞大片或推迟上 各单项体育赛事复赛时间表:5月前开赛困难重重 悬崖上的奇迹!麦积山石窟,佛像1600年保存完好,为 梅西又得一项第一!连克C罗和内马尔,携手苏牙成
The school office is open Monday-Friday from 8:00am to 2:00pm.
Please call the school for appointments or information at 232-222-2665.
Thank you
Ready Set Go: Morning Program
From 6:30am-7:55am
LA'S Best After School Program
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2:30pm-6:00pm
Tuesday from 1:30pm-6:00pm