• Covid-19: Resources To Help Manage Public Records Requests Through This Crisis. Click Here >>>

    The World of
    Public Records and Government Compliance
    Is Changing Fast.

    But we’re with you: with trusted tools and security…proven government expertise…and a platform you won’t outgrow. GovQA — Automated Workflow for Government Compliance.

    Of Top 300 U.S. Cities
    State Agencies

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    GovQA combines Trusted Tools and Security with Proven Government Expertise on a Platform You Won’t Outgrow. Our comprehensive Public Records Management System works across all state and local government departments and is configured to your needs.

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    EventsPublic Records Resources
    July 20, 2020

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    Experience, Support, and Expertise

    With Proven
    Government Expertise

    GovQA is the nation’s #1 provider of scalable public records and enterprise workflow solutions for government. Our deep industry experience and referenceable customer base give us unparalleled access to the best practices for every type of state and local government.  For the 5th consecutive year, GovQA has been recognized as a GovTech100 Company. We’re a large, 100% government-focused company with solid financial backing and 100+ employees working to make your records request process successful today…and well into the fourth industrial revolution.

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    GovQA Exchange platform government workflow management animation
    Modular Solutions, Highly Configured

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    Responding to requests can be a complicated, overwhelming task. A custom-configured GovQA solution can reduce your workload, help you manage collaboration, and alleviate the overall stress in remaining compliant. Improve your day-to-day with GovQA tailored to your needs.

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    With Trusted Tools and
    Security to Comply

    Follow the leaders in smart government and put an end to working in your email and spreadsheets. Increase security and compliance while reducing stress and saving time with GovQA’s cloud-based SaaS solution for public records and more. Our best-in-class Government technology solution simplifies collaboration and the transfer of sensitive documents within a secure environment.

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    Process complex work among all systems within and across state and local governments.
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    Intake, Vet, Track, Collaborate, Redact, and Release. Get it all done faster, with easier collaboration and
    reduced risk.



    Centralize and standardize subpoenas, summons, and depositions with seamless collaboration and security.



    Reduce risk and exposure and improve outcomes with powerful notifications, acknowledgements, collection and reporting.

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    Collaborate with agency partners and outside parties to securely request and share documents, track progress, audit and report.

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    Respond to inquiries quicker and more efficiently while reducing risk with task assignments, file sharing, templates, automated workflows, and more.

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    Monitor all claims activities while improving the effectiveness, timeliness, and security of the process.

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    Case Studies

    Completely centralized open records process
    Dallas, TX

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    Of Top 300 U.S. Cities
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