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super v p n 安卓

super v p n 安卓

super v p n 安卓

Fall 2020 Instructional Modes

UH plans to deliver classes this fall in the following three instructional modes: HyflexSynchronous OnlineAsynchronous Online

Math Faculty Award Recipients

Congratulations to Dr. Almus and Professor Krešimir Josić for receiving Faculty Awards!

2020 Amundson Lecture Series

2020 Amundson Lecture Series: Professor Roman Vershynin

MSDS Open House

MSDS Open House:人事任免 陈前斌任重庆邮电大学副校长-今日重庆-华龙网 ...:2021-7-13 · 陈前斌。图片来自网络 华龙网7月13日12时40分讯(首席记者 黄军)记者今(13)日从七一网获悉,经2021年7月7日重庆市人民政府常务会议决定:任命 ... in AH 108 

Roland Glowinski is awarded the 2020 W.T. and Idalla Reid Prize

Glowinski is the Cullen Professor of Mathematics at UH’s College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and is being recognized for his research in differential equations and control theory.

Math Modeling Club

电脑可用vpn: Friday Feb 28th from 4:30—6:00pm (time change)
Where: Farish Hall Room 232
This Week's Topic: "How fast should a bird fly when migrating?"

Ben Orlin's Talk

"Four Mathematical Games That I Can't Stop Thinking About" on February 12th, 4—5PM @CBB 108

Spring 2020 Departmental Meet and Greet & Pi Day Celebration

Spring 2020 Departmental Meet and Greet & Pi Day Celebration, March 6th @1:00pm


The Spring 2020 UH Mathematics Contest was a success! Thanks to all for participating in this event!

P-Exam Actuarial Camp Seminar/Workshop Day

Friday, December 20th @11:15am in CBB 106


Friday, December 6th @5:00PM, in Rockwell Pavilion

Actuarial Science Camp- Exam (P) Preparation

Exam (P) Preparation Summer Camp: CANCELLED.

Exam (P) Preparation Winter Camp: TBD

IABA Actuarial Boot Camp hosted by UH

We were proud to host the IABA Actuarial Boot Camp this summer!

UH AWM Student Chapter Wins AWM Award

The UH AWM Student Chapter is a recipient of the 2019 AWM Scientific Excellence Award

Min Ru elected as AMS Fellow

Professor Min Ru elected as AMS Fellow for his specialized research in Nevanlinna Theory and the Theory of minimal surfaces.

Undergraduate Colloquium

The next Undergraduate Colloquium will be this Thursday, April 18, at 5:30pm in PGH 646.

Departmental Tutoring

Click here for our tutoring schedule


Interested in graduate studies in Mathematics?

Accepting applications for Masters and Doctoral Program