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Chaparral, oh Chaparral, our voices sing thy praise,
Chaparral, oh Chaparral, throughout our school-filled days.
We shall long remember our classes' happy sound.
We shall long remember, the gladness still abounds.
Our flag flies high above the site, our school stands staunch and true.
Our colors glow in hues so bright, the gold and the blue.
Learning lasts forever; for that we'll grateful be.
Learning lasts forever; that shall keep us free.
Chaparral, oh Chaparral, we'll be forever true.
Chaparral, oh Chaparral, we are your loyal crew!
CUSD now accepting online 2020-2021 enrollment for NEW students, please visit the CUSD website to enroll your NEW student.
Fun and learning never stop in our wonderful Chaparral community. We are still dancing, drawing, reading, newscasting, exploring and creating. We are Chaparral STRONG!
Check out the complete list of episodes
Visit our STEAM page to view more projects!
Check out the entire Around the Block Scavenger Hunt
Thank you to our wonderful Librarian, Mrs. Bassett, for always inspiring us to read!
Wednesday Afternoon Family Literacy
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Claremont Unified School District is committed to providing a safe space for learning for each and every student, regardless of immigration status. 赛风 | 下载 Android 应用和 Windows 客户端:2021-2-14 · 免费的 Windows 和 Android 版赛风直接下载连接 Google Play 商店中的安卓赛风专业版 从 Google Play 商店下载 Psiphon 专业版以支持网络自由。。(某些国家无法下载。
Additional information can be found at the Los Angeles County Education Department's website.
Claremont Unified School District se compromete a proveer un lugar seguro para la educación de todos y cada uno de sus estudiantes, independientemente de sus condiciones migratorias. Para más información lea la Hoja Informativa Para Familias y Personal Escolar.
Puede obtener más información en el sitio web de la oficina de Educación del condado de Los Angeles.
psihon3安卓版acerca de DACA visite el sitio web de la Asociación de Administradores de Escuelas.
8:05 School Begins
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10:05 Grades 4-6 Recess
11:25 Grades 1-3 Lunch
11:45 Kinder Dismissal*
12:15 Grades 4-6 Lunch
1:30 Grades 1-3 Recess
2:30 Grades 1-3 Dismissal
2:40 Grades 4-6 Dismissal
9:45 Grades 1-3 Recess
10:08 Grades 4-6 Recess
1:00 Dismissal for 1-6
赛风3_赛风3下载:2021-3-5 · 赛风3官方免费下载,“Psiphon”,官方中文译名为 赛风 ,民间初期译作白凤或彩虹,是最优秀的能够突破互联网审核的随心所欲应用软件,遵循GPL网络协议,于2021年12月1日公布 它是由开放互联网基金资助、多伦多大学的公民实验室研发 它的特性是用户不须在本人的计算机上安装该应
About Us
Chaparral Elementary School is located in southern California about thirty miles east of Los Angeles. Nestled in the San Gabriel Valley and the city of Claremont, Chaparral School is within walking distance of the seven Claremont Colleges. Chaparral Elementary School historically serves approximately 670 students in grades kindergarten through sixth. Chaparral is a high performing school with a culturally rich student population.
At Chaparral Elementary School, we consider ourselves a community of learners, which includes students, staff, parents, and business/community partnerships. Through this process we are preparing our students to be critical thinkers and problem solvers. Our students experience a balanced, rigorous, and challenging curriculum that allows for individual differences and fosters responsible citizenship in a safe and orderly environment.