Feed the Future
This project is part of the U.S. Government's global hunger and food security initiative.


In August, we’ll focus on women and youth in agriculture. Throughout the month, we’ll explore gender and youth-specific constraints and opportunities in agriculture and supporting inclusive market systems. Don’t miss our webinar, Youth, Women, and Market Systems Development in Agriculture and...


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With support from USAID, the MRR Innovation Lab, The BOMA Project, and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) collaborated on a resilence-focused project in Samburu that helps women to build up and keep their assets in spite of natural and manmade shocks.


The Feed the Future Developing Local Extension Capacity (DLEC) and USAID Bureau for Resilience and Food Security undertook a study in Rwanda and Uganda to understand how to better engage youth in agriculture through EAS and the private sector.
ESCAP is looking for pron evidence-based financial solutions for women entrepreneurs. Successful applicants will receive up to US$ 25,000 in research funding.
Endorsed by G20 finance ministers, this report outlines 10 policy options to enable G20 members and other governments to rapidly work towards digital financial inclusion of all women.
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Squid缓存代理服务器安装部署 - 暮无雪代码博客:2021-3-13 · 一、关于缓存代理 1、代理的工作机制作为应用层的代理服务软件,Squid主要提供缓存加速和应用层过滤控制的功能。当客户机通过代理来请求Web页面时,指定的代理服务器会先检查自己的缓存,如果缓存中已经有客户机需要访问的页面,则直接将缓存中的页面内容...
Policymakers and development agencies alike have used Information Technology (IT) as a catalyst for economic development. This technology has been applied to build workforce productivity, accelerate economic development, and improve the business enabling environment.
The shared-value approach makes a strong case for private-sector engagement in the international development arena.